I’m going to try to publish more frequently. That likely means further deviation on format. This post is an example of that. Hopefully it...
Objects of Our Life | The Steve Jobs archive has been an utter treat over the last year. Most notable is the co...
The more present I am, the more fulfilled I tend to be. Happiness is easy, they say: be here now.So why is it so hard to stay here?
A new take on my Thoughts + Things format for you. An essay inspired by some recommended essays on taste.
Recs: an unlikely masterpiece, my movie rec before you die, friendship and love. Keith Jarrett at Köln, Before Sunset (2004), C.S. Lewis, Jim Simons
I’ll be exploring crypto as an entrepreneur-in-residence at ParadigmLast week, I shared the news that I left 100 Thieves and wrote about the incredib...