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πŸ’Ž hidden gems: A decentralized TikTok

Generative Textures, Drakula, my new talk show and more!

Hello friends πŸ‘‹,

Welcome to another edition of hidden gems. For all the new joiners (Over 300 since last week), this is a weekly curation of onchain art, products, content, and events (sometimes memes).

Before sharing today's hidden gems, here's a quick reminder...

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  • Token-gated content, usually market analyses, deep dives, and more (2x per month).

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πŸ’Ž Gem of the day

Texture Part II by Olga Fradina

Olga is a generative artist and interior designer from Ukraine. She has been part of our community for a while, and I've followed her work way before she joined us.

Texture Part II is one of my favorite algorithms, presented by as part of the Imperfections group show; the collection consists of 100 outputs.

This project continues my research of generative textures.

Sensing an expressive texture to the touch, perceiving a surface as warm or cool, contemplating subtle color combinations... As an interior designer with extensive experience, I have special attention to these ubiquitous sensual adventures. It is somewhat similar to Japanese poetry, when a minimum of words are immersed in a whole universe of sensations. The Textures series, I explore just such subtle states.

πŸ”₯ Product to Watch


Are you into TikTok? Drakula, a new Web 3 TikTok dApp, has reported over $10M in volume - just 10 days after launch!


How does it work?

  • It is integrated with the Farcaster protocol and runs on Base, meaning your social graph (followers and followers) is ported β€”there is no need to start from scratch.

  • You can buy and sell creator's tokens (like friend . tech), so there is a monetization incentive. I've been uploading podcast snippets and have made around $300; not bad, right?

  • You can earn $blood, their native token, when you watch or upload videos.

  • They are also integrated with $degen, so you can buy tokens using that coin.

  • Remember that this is a new app, so expect some bugs (the video feed isn't the best, but it should get better once more creators upload high-quality content).

πŸŽ™ Kaloh’s Podcast

Visiting a Generative Artist Studio ft. Dan Catt

Dan is a contemporary printmaker, pen plotter, artist, and educator. In this episode, he showed us his studio, generative art journey, custom-made AI assistant, and running an online shop.

πŸ”¨ Basement Builders

Pilot: In conversation with Cassie Heart, Quilibrium Founder and Decentralization proponent

I've been recording a new talk show called Basement Builders with my friend Aleks. The show will focus on technology, entrepreneurs, and cool stuff happening in Web 3.

We couldn't be more excited about our first guest, Cassie Heart, who has been assembling a new decentralized network called Quilibrium. She opened up about the importance of decentralization, designing Equilibrium, and her past engineering roles at Coinbase and Farcaster.

🎟 Upcoming Events

New York Now Curated by ClownVamp

ClownVamp is curating a new show, this time in collaboration with Foundation and MAIF. You must be there (April 3rd) if you're in New York City.

Some incredible AI artists will be featured, including RedRum, JVDE, Danielle King, Pale Kirill, Delta Sauce, Stra4ngeThing, and many more.

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