Kames' Thoughts
Perspective on the Ethereum Ecosystems
Blockchains don't have access to data outside of their execution environments. In other words, if it's not onchain it's not "real" as far as the netw...
Ethereum is going through a transformation.Each and every day, Ethereum continues to move towards a more scalable network. And it's no secret it's a ...
Imagine a world with 100s or 1,000s of L2/L3 operators and where Smart Accounts have become the norm - everything will be right in the world...
Coinbase, the once sleeping giant, is awakening. If you've been paying attention at all to the Ethereum ecosystem you can't help but notice Coinbase...
Paymasters.A critical part of the Account Abstraction stack.Paymasters are responsible for covering the costs of submitting a transaction to a blockc...
The Superchain. Optimism's vision for scaling Ethereum.It's ambitious, practical and to date (imho) the most successful initiative for scaling blockch...
Transactions today are simple. Arguably even stuck in a “command line interface” way of thinking. You sign in real-time, broadcast to a specific networ...
As of today blockchain accounts are isolated in their capabilities and responsibilities. They can't easily delegate authority to an external account ...
Have we reached the pinnacle of wallet design?That's a question I've been asking myself a lot recently.And if not what remains?What new systems need ...