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Activism Shouldn’t Be This Hard to Access.

Kate Kornish

Kate Kornish

Activism is meant to bring people together, but the way it works today does the opposite. The conversations around it are exclusive. The dynamics of participation are built for those who already have the time, resources, and knowledge to engage.

For most people, that’s just not a reality. They’re busy navigating their own lives, trying to make ends meet, handling responsibilities that leave little room for anything else. And yet, these are the people who should matter most — because they make up the vast majority of the world.

These people are us.

Making Activism Part of Everyday Life

HUMANSDID is aimed to change the way activism happens. To make it something anyone can be part of, without having to choose between helping others and handling their own life. To create a space where action feels natural, not like an obligation.

We’re building:

  • A movement that gives people a real sense of belonging.

  • A way to take action that fits into everyday life.

  • A system where participation is visible, valued, and rewarded.

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How Does It Work

When you sign up for HUMANSDID, you join a global community that reviews positive impact initiatives from commercial brands. You’ll have the power to approve or reject these projects. If a project gets approved, you can track its progress and even earn rewards for your participation.

What’s Next?

The full platform launches on April 1, 2025, but early adopters can get involved right now. In just a few days, Project #0 goes live.

If you’ve ever wanted to do something impactful but didn’t know where to start — this is it.

Sign up now.

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Kate KornishFarcaster
Kate Kornish
Commented 1 month ago

my dear farcasters humansdid is aimed to verify what commercial brands are selling us as their activism. we’ll have the power to approve or reject their projects. and If a project gets approved, we can track its progress and earn rewards for our participation directly from those brands and partners. i’d love to see my dear farcaster community among the first voters for project #0. let’s make a real change by using the resources of those who can actually make it happen. sign up on any boost is appreciated 💜

Chic BangsFarcaster
Chic Bangs
Commented 1 month ago

🫡 signed up

Commented 1 month ago


Commented 1 month ago

Sounds interesting. Help me out if I'm getting it: - It's a public ranking site where ppl can rank projects/initiatives based on their perception of its impact. - Participants can earn reputation/rewards for engaging with projects, whether it be on the ground (assuming) or just through the site by providing impact analysis. If I'm not totally wrong, I have questions: 1. What's the proof of personhood to prevent ranking manipulation? 2. Is there anything to quantify people's expertise to provide an analysis, or is it based purely on just ranking public perception? Meaning, will there be objective third party expert analysis to help educate ppl, or will ppl just be going off of their limited experience and whatever quantitative analysis the project themselves provide? I have a lot more questions based on some of the answers/clarifications... Seems like an interesting idea but I'm really curious about implementation because this is an extremely challenging problem space to tackle!

Kate KornishFarcaster
Kate Kornish
Commented 1 month ago

Thank you for such great questions! - I wouldn’t say it’s ranking, but yes, you can vote to green-light a project or to stop it. - Participants can opt to gain some rewards by participating in the voting process and challenges proposed by the platform. The rewards are in the area of getting a real experience — opportunities to have excess to special events, places, jobs, education, exclusive products y etc - For now we just have a simple captcha, but we are working on solutions to that problem (any recommendation is highly appreciated) - Before the project is set to the platform to the community there are experts on the field that analyze the scope and feasibility

Commented 1 month ago

I'm missing something key here.... What/how are people green lighting or stopping someone else's initiative that's already underway? Will this site have some sort of control over the initiatives? Or is it aiming to become *the* funding/onboarding platform so that projects have to get 'greenlit' to get access to your network of activists, while they could otherwise continue on their own while ignoring the 'rejection' from your platform (and your network of activists)?? I'm just missing the connection between all these different commercial initiatives and the role of HumanDid in influencing their process.

Commented 1 month ago

What would a hypothetically approved project look like? Any real world examples or ideas?

Kate KornishFarcaster
Kate Kornish
Commented 1 month ago

From planting trees in Kenya to changing consumer’s behavior to more sustainable one. From new takes on education to making products by marginalised people. It can be anything. And In the future we would like people to participate in proposals too!