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Kiwi RetroPGF2 results are out

The voting has finished, and we know who will get the Kiwi RetroPGF2 awards!

This time, those who contributed to Kiwi will get 0.26 ETH in total, which is 10% of our NFT revenue in the last period.


We divided the ETH into 4 tiers based on the weight of the users' contributions. All active Kiwi users could allocate their votes to candidates, with their voting power calculated based on their karma.

0.04 ETH:

Dawn Wallet: for integrating tipping into Kiwi

Iamalya.eth: for improving our /community tab

0.03 ETH:

Rvolz.eth: for running the Dune dashboard and consulting in the Kiwi Devs channel

Freeatnet.eth: for running & RSS feeds

pugson.eth: for maintaining ENSData which we use on Kiwi

0.02 ETH:

FabiDaub: for helping with admin tasks

Mishaderidder.eth: for curating a list about Art & being the most active user

Frotograf.eth: for curating a list about Composable Culture & designing our Devconnect POAP

0.01 ETH

Ccarella.eth: for curating our Nouniverse list

Cerv1.eth: for curating our OP RetroPGF list

Yacek.eth: for connecting Kiwi with the $DEGEN airdrop


On top of that, users who got allocations in this and all other Kiwi RetroPGFs are eligible for their share of OP RetroPGF. We are going to share about 2,800 OP ($9,000-$10,000) - more information about the process can be found here

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