Exploring Art History with Midjourney Prompts


AI-art generators, like Midjourney, have opened up an exciting universe of possibilities for artists and the art-curious. 

With the right prompts, you can turn anything from a stray thought into a piece of visual art. 

As an artist, I am deeply curious about the AI-art revolution, and I want to learn everything that I can, as quickly as I can. Learning how to write clear, comprehensive image prompts is one of the most fundamental skills necessary to succeed as an AI-artist. 

To improve my prompting skills, I decided to use detailed art-history language in my prompts to turn a single subject matter into a wide variety of artistic creations. 

In this post, I will briefly define art history, explain Midjourney, and the role of prompting, and then provide visual examples of how specific, art-history focused prompts changed the Midjourney outputs of the same subject; a ballerina.

Curious? Keep reading!

Art History with Midjourney


[caption id="attachment_746" align="alignright" width="150"]

A red stop sign against a blue sky, with a red rocks on either side

ⓒ Lauren McDonagh-Pereira Photography 2013[/caption]

Before we get into it, please consider a few quick DISCLAIMERS.

  • I am not a financial advisor, an art expert, a lawyer, or an accountant. Do your own research. 

    • This post represents my personal opinions and is NOT financial advice.

    • I am an artist. At the time of posting, I have works minted on the Tezos and Ethereum blockchain. Links contained in this article may point to my own minted NFTs or may point to the NFTs of other artists that I have collected from. If you choose to collect NFTs referenced in this article, I may earn money from your purchase.

    • This post may contain sponsored ads and affiliate links. I may earn a commission if you click on an ad and make a purchase. I am not responsible for 3rd party websites. 

    • Where noted, responses were generated by ChatGPT, an AI language model developed by OpenAI.

    • As an Amazon associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. 

    • Review my Privacy Policy here

What is Art History?

The Intricacies of Art History

Art history, at its simplest, is the study of objects of art in their historical development and stylistic context. This discipline encompasses various forms of art - from paintings to sculptures, from architecture to ceramics, and everything in between.

Art history is not solely about studying the artwork itself, but it is also about understanding the cultural, social, and political climate in which the artwork was created. It is an exploration of how art reflects the society of the time, the artist's personal vision, and how it can even influence societal perceptions

Decoding Visual Language

An essential aspect of art history is learning to 'read' art. This involves understanding the language of art, including color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value. These elements and principles of design help to decode the visual language, thus bringing us closer to the artist's intentions and the broader cultural context in which the work was made.

Historical Context

Art history does not exist in a vacuum. It is tightly interwoven with the broader tapestry of world history. Movements such as the Renaissance, Baroque, and Impressionism emerged in direct response to the social, political, and technological changes of their times. These movements have left lasting imprints on the world, with artwork that continues to inspire and engage audiences centuries later.

Importance of Studying Art History

Art history provides a unique lens to understand human history, culture, and society. Through the study of art, we can explore questions of identity, faith, power, economy, and more. It helps develop critical thinking skills, teaching us to analyze, interpret, and evaluate various types of information.

Art is a universal human experience, and art history is an exploration of our shared humanity. By studying art history, we can learn more about ourselves and others, exploring diverse cultures, histories, and experiences across time and place.

Art history is a rich, multifaceted discipline that transcends the boundaries of time and geography. It is not just about studying art pieces and their creators, but also about understanding our society and ourselves better. Art history is a testament to human creativity and a mirror reflecting human culture.

An AI-ballerina in the style of expressionism.

Understanding Art History with Midjourney

A New Frontier in AI-Generated Art

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology and art, a new player has emerged that is changing the game for artists, designers, and creatives of all kinds. Meet Midjourney, an innovative platform that uses the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to generate unique, captivating, and truly one-of-a-kind images.

What is Midjourney?

At its core, Midjourney is a machine learning system designed to transform textual prompts into visual art. When you input a phrase or a sentence, the system interprets your words and generates an image that reflects the concept or scene you've described. This could be anything from a surreal landscape to a detailed portrait, an abstract pattern, or even a fantastical creature.

But Midjourney is more than just a tool for creating images. It's a platform that encourages exploration, experimentation, and learning. It's a space where art and technology intersect, providing a unique opportunity for you to engage with AI, understand its capabilities, and harness its potential to enhance your own creative process.

How Does Midjourney Work?

The magic of Midjourney lies in its use of AI and machine learning. The platform uses a type of AI called a neural network, which is designed to mimic the way human brains work, to interpret the prompts you give it and generate images based on those prompts.

When you input a prompt, the AI doesn't just randomly generate an image. Instead, it uses the information it has learned from millions of pieces of training data to create an image that it "thinks" matches your prompt. The result is a unique piece of art that is a direct reflection of your creative vision.

How Can You Use Midjourney?

Using Midjourney is as simple as typing in a prompt and letting the AI do its work. But the real fun begins when you start to experiment with different prompts and parameters.

Prompts can be anything from a single word to a detailed sentence. The AI will interpret your prompt and generate an image based on it. You can also adjust various parameters to influence the AI's image generation process. For example, you can adjust the "chaos" parameter to make the results more varied and unexpected, or the "style" parameter to switch between different aesthetic styles.

Once you've generated an image, you can save it, share it, or even use it as a starting point for further creative exploration. The possibilities are truly endless.

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Mastering Midjourney Prompts

The Art of Detailed Language in AI-Generated Imagery

Midjourney  uses artificial intelligence to generate unique images with language-based prompts.

But what exactly is a Midjourney prompt, and how does adding detailed language to the prompt affect the final image? 

What is a Midjourney Prompt?

A prompt in Midjourney is essentially a textual instruction that you give to the AI. It's a word, phrase, or sentence that describes the image you want to create. For example, you might use a prompt like "sunset over a tranquil ocean" or "a cat lounging in a sunlit window". The AI takes this prompt and interprets it, generating an image that reflects the scene or concept you've described.

An AI drawing of a ballerina.

Prompt - "ballerina, drawing"

The Power of Detailed Language

While simple prompts can yield interesting results, the real magic happens when you start to add more detailed language to your prompts. The more specific and descriptive your prompt, the more information the AI has to work with, and the more accurately it can generate an image that matches your vision.

For instance, instead of "a cat", you might say "a fluffy orange cat with green eyes". Instead of "sunset", you might say "a vibrant pink and purple sunset with streaks of gold". These detailed prompts give the AI a clearer picture of what you're envisioning, allowing it to generate more precise and detailed images.

An AI-ballerina in the style of Fauvism

Prompt - " Ballerina, Fauvism Early 20th century( 1905 - 1910) Characterized by wild brushwork and strident colors, with subjects often abstracted or simplified. Henri Matisse, André Derain, Raoul Dufy"

The Impact on the Final Image

Adding detailed language to your Midjourney prompts can significantly impact the final image in a few ways:

  1. Increased Accuracy: The more specific your prompt, the more likely the AI is to generate an image that closely matches your vision.

  2. Greater Detail: Detailed prompts can lead to images with more intricate elements and nuances, adding depth and richness to your AI-generated art.

  3. Enhanced Creativity: Using detailed language in your prompts also encourages you to think more creatively and imaginatively, which can lead to more unique and interesting images.

Experimenting with Detailed Prompts

The best way to understand the impact of detailed language on your Midjourney prompts is to experiment. Try starting with a simple prompt, then gradually add more detail and see how the results change. Remember, there's no right or wrong way to craft a prompt—it's all about exploring, experimenting, and having fun with the process.

A title slide for a video course called "How to Use ChatGPT to Create a Course" by Lauren McDonagh-Pereira.

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Exploring Art History with Midjourney Prompts

Getting Prompts from ChatGPT

To teach myself more about both art history and Midjourney prompting, I decided to do some explorative prompting with specific art history-focused prompts. 

I started by asking ChatGPT to create a table listing different styles of art, the era that they were popularized, a descriptive definition of each, and a list of artists known for using the style. 

ChatGPT gave me a table that looked like this: 

Egyptian Art

3100-332 BCE

Characterized by figures and symbols, adherence to rules and conventions.

Imhotep, Thutmose, Amarna artists

Greek Art

800-31 BCE

Sculptures, architecture, and pottery were symbolic and often told a narrative.

Phidias, Praxiteles, Myron

Roman Art

500 BCE - 500 CE

Adapted from Greek art and characterized by realism and portraiture.

Trajan's Column, Pompeii artists, Marcus Agrippa

Byzantine Art

330-1453 CE

Known for mosaics and icons, rich in symbolism and color.

Unknown artists, usually collective works

Romanesque Art

1000-1200 CE

Characterized by massive architecture with rounded arches and figures with stylized features.

Unknown artists, usually collective works

I kept prompting ChatGPT, until I had a comprehensive list of 59 historical styles of visual art, with detailed descriptions of each. 

Choosing a Subject

I wanted a subject that could be depicted in a wide variety of art styles across human history. 

I decided on using a human figure because it can be sculpted, painted, drawn, photographed, and more. 

To be specific, and create a sense of consistency in the art, I narrowed down the human figure to a ballerina. 

Ballerinas are beautiful and graceful. They create art with the movement of their bodies, and they have been popular subjects for painters and photographers alike. A ballerina seemed like a simple, but powerful way to explore different Midjourney styles. 

An AI ballerina in the photorealism style

Prompt: "Ballerina, Photorealism Late 20th century( 1960s - 1970s) Genre of art that encompasses painting, drawing and other graphic media, in which an artist studies a photograph and then attempts to reproduce the image as realistically as possible in another medium. Richard Estes, Chuck Close, Audrey Flack"

The Midjourney Prompts

For each piece of art, I used the "/imagine prompt:" command in Midjourney.

Every single prompt began with the words, "a ballerina". 

I then, copy and pasted, the ChatGPT generated art style names, eras, description, and notable artists to differentiate each prompt. 

The AI-Art

Join me on a journey through art history!

Below, I will share the results of my exploration of art history through Midjourney prompt.

In the caption of each piece, I will share the specific prompt that resulted in the piece. 

Let's begin.

Egyptian Art

An AI ballerina in an ancient Egyptian art style.

Prompt - "Ballerina, Egyptian Art 3100 - 332 BCE Characterized by figures and symbols, adherence to rules and conventions. Imhotep, Thutmose, Amarna artists"

Greek Art

An AI-ballerina in an ancient Greek style

Prompt - "Ballerina, Greek Art 800 - 31 BCE Sculptures, architecture, and pottery were symbolic and often told a narrative. Phidias, Praxiteles, Myron"

Roman Art

AI-art ballerina, ancient Roman style

Prompt - "Ballerina, Roman Art 500 BCE - 500 CE Adapted from Greek art and characterized by realism and portraiture. Trajan's Column, Pompeii artists, Marcus Agrippa"

Byzantine Art

An AI-ballerina in the style of Byzantine art

Prompt - "Ballerina, Byzantine Art 330 - 1453 CE Known for mosaics and icons, rich in symbolism and color. Unknown artists, usually collective works"

Romanesque Art

An AI ballerina in the Romanesque-art style

Prompt - "Ballerina, Romanesque Art 1000 - 1200 CE Characterized by massive architecture with rounded arches and figures with stylized features. Unknown artists, usually collective works"

Gothic Art

An AI ballerina, gothic art style

Prompt - "Ballerina, Gothic Art 12th - 16th century"

Early Christian Art

An AI ballerina in the style of early Christian art

Prompt - "Ballerina, Early Christian Art 100 - 500 CE Often religious, contained symbols of Christianity. Unknown artists, usually collective works"

Islamic Art

An AI-ballerina in the style of Islamic art

Prompt - "a ballerina, Islamic Art 7th century onwards Characterized by geometric patterns and calligraphy. Unknown artists, usually collective works"

Carolingian Art

An AI ballerina in the style of Carolingian art.

Prompt - "Ballerina, Carolingian Art 780 - 900 CE Revival of Roman techniques, religious themed manuscripts, sculptures. Unknown artists, usually collective works"

Ottonian Art

An AI ballerina in the Ottonian art style

Prompt - "a ballerina, Ottonian Art 10th-11th century Characterized by a blend of Carolingian and Byzantine influences. Unknown artists, usually collective works"

Pre-Romanesque Art

An AI-ballerina in the pre-Romanesque art style

Prompt - "ballerina, Pre-Romanesque Art 5th-10th century Combination of Roman, Early Christian, and Byzantine art"

Insular Art

A ballerina in the Insular art style

Prompt - "Ballerina, Insular Art 6th - 9th century Characterized by highly detailed geometric patterns, notably in illuminated manuscripts."

Minoan Art

An AI ballerina in the Minoan art style

Prompt - "Ballerina, Minoan Art 3000 - 1100 BCE Known for its frescoes, pottery, sculpture, influenced by the natural world."

Hiberno-Saxon Art

An AI ballerina in the Hiberno-Saxon art style

Prompt - "Ballerina, Hiberno - Saxon Art 6th - 8th century Unique style of Insular art combining Mediterranean and Germanic elements"

Mycenaean Art

A ballerina in the Mycenaean art style

Prompt - "Ballerina, Mycenaean Art 1600 - 1100 BCE Funerary - focused, with frescoes, ceramics, sculptures, and jewelry."

Viking Art

AI Ballerina in the Viking Style

Prompt - "ballerina, Viking Art 8th-11th century Ornamental in nature, characterized by intricate geometric patterns."

Celtic Art

An AI image of a ballerina in the Celtic art style

Prompt - "ballerina, Celtic Art 500 BCE - 12th century CE Complex spirals and interlace, zoomorphic forms and stylized design."

Coptic Art

An AI ballerina done in the Coptic art style

Prompt - "ballerina, Coptic Art 3rd-7th century CE Christian art with an Egyptian influence, known for textile art"

Macedonian Art

An AI ballerina in the Macedonian art style

Prompt - "ballerina, Macedonian Art 336-146 BCE Emphasized details, vivid colors, and depth in art"

Persian Art

An AI-ballerina, Persian art

Prompt - "ballerina, Persian Art 550 BCE - 20th century Known for detailed miniature painting, architecture, and sculpture"

Etruscan Art

An AI ballerina in the Etruscan art style

Prompt - "ballerina, Etruscan Art 700-90 BCE Known for sculptures, frescoes, and decorated ceramics, often portraying daily life"

Chinese Art

An AI ballerina in the ancient Chinese style

Prompt - "ballerina, Chinese Art 960-1279 CE (Song Dynasty for example) Ink and wash painting, calligraphy on silk and paper. Zhang Zeduan, Ma Yuan, Xia Gui"

Japanese Art (Heian period)

An AI ballerina, Japanese Art (Heian period)

Prompt - "ballerina, Japanese Art (Heian period) 794-1185 CE Known for yamato-e paintings, byōbu folding screens and illustrated texts"

Indian Art (Gupta period)

An AI ballerina, Indian Art (Gupta period)

Prompt - "ballerina, Indian Art (Gupta period) 320-550 CE Known for its sculptures, wall paintings and architectural creations"

Pre-Columbian Art

An AI ballerina, Pre-Columbian Art

Prompt - "ballerina, Pre-Columbian Art Pre-1500 CE Created by the indigenous cultures of the Americas, various styles across regions"


An AI ballerina, Rococo

Prompt - "ballerina, Rococo Early 18th century (1700s-1760s) Characterized by elegance, lightness, and an exuberant use of curving, natural forms in ornamentation"


ballerina, Neoclassicism Mid-Late 18th century (1760s-1850s) Emphasized clarity of form, sober colors, strong horizontal and verticals that rendered that subject matter timeless (owing to its direct connection with the 'classics')

Prompt - "ballerina, Neoclassicism Mid-Late 18th century (1760s-1850s) Emphasized clarity of form, sober colors, strong horizontal and verticals that rendered that subject matter timeless (owing to its direct connection with the 'classics')"


ballerina, Romanticism Late 18th century (1800-1850) Emphasized emotion and individualism, glorification of the past and nature, preferring the medieval rather than the classical

Prompt - "ballerina, Romanticism Late 18th century (1800-1850) Emphasized emotion and individualism, glorification of the past and nature, preferring the medieval rather than the classical"

Genre Painting

ballerina, Genre Painting Throughout the 18th century Represents aspects of everyday life by portraying ordinary people engaged in common activities. Jean-Baptiste Greuze, William Hogarth, Pietro Longhi

Prompt - "ballerina, Genre Painting Throughout the 18th century Represents aspects of everyday life by portraying ordinary people engaged in common activities. Jean-Baptiste Greuze, William Hogarth, Pietro Longhi"


ballerina, Portraiture Throughout the 18th century Artistic representation of a person in which the face and expression is predominant. Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, John Singleton Copley

Prompt - "ballerina, Portraiture Throughout the 18th century Artistic representation of a person in which the face and expression is predominant. Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, John Singleton Copley"

Hudson River School

ballerina, Hudson River School Mid 19th century (1825-1875) An American art movement known for landscape paintings that romanticize the wilderness, and show the Hudson River Valley and the surrounding area. Thomas Cole, Frederic Edwin Church, Albert Bierstadt

Prompt - "ballerina, Hudson River School Mid 19th century (1825-1875) An American art movement known for landscape paintings that romanticize the wilderness, and show the Hudson River Valley and the surrounding area. Thomas Cole, Frederic Edwin Church, Albert Bierstadt"


ballerina, Realism Mid 19th century (1848-1900) Depicted subjects with truth and accuracy, without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions or implausible, exotic, and supernatural elements. Gustave Courbet, Jean-François Millet, Honoré Daumier

Prompt - "ballerina, Realism Mid 19th century (1848-1900) Depicted subjects with truth and accuracy, without artificiality and avoiding artistic conventions or implausible, exotic, and supernatural elements. Gustave Courbet, Jean-François Millet, Honoré Daumier"

Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

ballerina, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood Mid 19th century (1848 onwards) Sought to return to detailed and vibrant art preceding the time of Raphael. John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Holman Hunt

Prompt - "ballerina, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood Mid 19th century (1848 onwards) Sought to return to detailed and vibrant art preceding the time of Raphael. John Everett Millais, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, William Holman Hunt"


ballerina, Impressionism Late 19th century (1860-1900) Characterized by small, thin, visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light and its changing qualities. Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Prompt - "ballerina, Impressionism Late 19th century (1860-1900) Characterized by small, thin, visible brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light and its changing qualities. Claude Monet, Edgar Degas, Pierre-Auguste Renoir"


ballerina, Post-Impressionism, 1886-1905, Extended from Impressionism while rejecting its limitations

Prompt - ballerina, Post-Impressionism, 1886-1905, Extended from Impressionism while rejecting its limitations


ballerina, Symbolism Late 19th century (1886-1910) Symbolists were more interested in emotions, feelings, ideas, and subjectivity rather than realism. Their works were personal and subjective, with emphasis on expressing emotions

Prompt - "ballerina, Symbolism Late 19th century (1886-1910) Symbolists were more interested in emotions, feelings, ideas, and subjectivity rather than realism. Their works were personal and subjective, with emphasis on expressing emotions"

Art Nouveau

ballerina, Art Nouveau Late 19th - early 20th century (1890-1910) Characterized by ornamental and decorative designs, with intricate linear designs and flowing curves based on natural forms. Alphonse Mucha, Gustav Klimt, Antoni Gaudí

Prompt - "ballerina, Art Nouveau Late 19th - early 20th century (1890-1910) Characterized by ornamental and decorative designs, with intricate linear designs and flowing curves based on natural forms. Alphonse Mucha, Gustav Klimt, Antoni Gaudí"


ballerina, Orientalism 19th century The imitation or depiction of aspects in the Eastern world, done by artists from the West, capturing and interpreting what they saw and experienced during their travels to the Orient. Jean-Léon Gérôme, Eugène Delacroix, John Frederick Lewis

Prompt - "ballerina, Orientalism 19th century The imitation or depiction of aspects in the Eastern world, done by artists from the West, capturing and interpreting what they saw and experienced during their travels to the Orient. Jean-Léon Gérôme, Eugène Delacroix, John Frederick Lewis"

Landscape Painting

ballerina, Landscape Painting Throughout the 18th century Depiction of landscapes in art--natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, forests, especially where the main subject is a wide view. Thomas Gainsborough, Canaletto, Jacob van Ruisdael

Prompt - "ballerina, Landscape Painting Throughout the 18th century Depiction of landscapes in art--natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, forests, especially where the main subject is a wide view. Thomas Gainsborough, Canaletto, Jacob van Ruisdael"


ballerina, Fauvism Early 20th century (1905-1910) Characterized by wild brushwork and strident colors, with subjects often abstracted or simplified. Henri Matisse, André Derain, Raoul Dufy

Prompt - "ballerina, Fauvism Early 20th century (1905-1910) Characterized by wild brushwork and strident colors, with subjects often abstracted or simplified. Henri Matisse, André Derain, Raoul Dufy"


ballerina, Cubism, Early 20th century (1907-1914) , Art style in which objects are broken up and re-assembled in abstract form

Prompt - "ballerina, Cubism, Early 20th century (1907-1914) , Art style in which objects are broken up and re-assembled in abstract form"


ballerina, Expressionism, 1905-1920, Represents subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist

Prompt - "ballerina, Expressionism, 1905-1920, Represents subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist"

Academic Art

ballerina, Academic Art 19th century Art governed by the standards of the French Académie des Beaux-Arts, traditional in nature, smoothly finished, with great attention to detail. William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Jean-Léon Gérôme, Alexandre Cabanel

Prompt - "ballerina, Academic Art 19th century Art governed by the standards of the French Académie des Beaux-Arts, traditional in nature, smoothly finished, with great attention to detail. William-Adolphe Bouguereau, Jean-Léon Gérôme, Alexandre Cabanel"


ballerina, Dada Early 20th century (1916-1924) Art movement of the European avant-garde; it developed in response to World War I and was characterized by nonsense, travesty, and incongruity. Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Man Ray

Prompt - "ballerina, Dada Early 20th century (1916-1924) Art movement of the European avant-garde; it developed in response to World War I and was characterized by nonsense, travesty, and incongruity. Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Man Ray"


ballerina, Surrealism, 1924-late 1930s, Aimed at expressing imaginative dreams and visions free from conscious rational control

Prompt - "ballerina, Surrealism, 1924-late 1930s, Aimed at expressing imaginative dreams and visions free from conscious rational control"

Abstract Expressionism

ballerina, Abstract Expressionism, 1940s-1950s, Emphasizes free, spontaneous, and personal emotional expression

Prompt - "ballerina, Abstract Expressionism, 1940s-1950s, Emphasizes free, spontaneous, and personal emotional expression"

Pop Art

ballerina, Pop Art Mid to late 1950s Art based on modern popular culture and the mass media

Prompt - "ballerina, Pop Art Mid to late 1950s Art based on modern popular culture and the mass media"

Op Art

ballerina, Op Art Mid 20th century (1964 onwards) Art movement known for creating optical illusions with contrasting colors and geometric shapes. Bridget Riley, Victor Vasarely, Jesús Rafael Soto

Prompt - "ballerina, Op Art Mid 20th century (1964 onwards) Art movement known for creating optical illusions with contrasting colors and geometric shapes. Bridget Riley, Victor Vasarely, Jesús Rafael Soto"


ballerina, Minimalism Late 1950s-early 1970s An extreme form of abstract art developed in the USA

Prompt - "ballerina, Minimalism Late 1950s-early 1970s An extreme form of abstract art developed in the USA"

Conceptual Art

ballerina, Conceptual Art Late 20th century (1960s onwards) Art movement in which the concept(s) or idea(s) involved in the work take precedence over traditional aesthetic, technical, and material concerns. Sol LeWitt, Joseph Kosuth, Yoko Ono

Prompt - "ballerina, Conceptual Art Late 20th century (1960s onwards) Art movement in which the concept(s) or idea(s) involved in the work take precedence over traditional aesthetic, technical, and material concerns. Sol LeWitt, Joseph Kosuth, Yoko Ono"


a ballerina, Stuckism Late 20th century - present (1999 onwards) International art movement that promotes figurative painting as opposed to conceptual art

Prompt - "a ballerina, Stuckism Late 20th century - present (1999 onwards) International art movement that promotes figurative painting as opposed to conceptual art"


ballerina, Photorealism Late 20th century (1960s-1970s) Genre of art that encompasses painting, drawing and other graphic media, in which an artist studies a photograph and then attempts to reproduce the image as realistically as possible in another medium. Richard Estes, Chuck Close, Audrey Flack

Prompt - "ballerina, Photorealism Late 20th century (1960s-1970s) Genre of art that encompasses painting, drawing and other graphic media, in which an artist studies a photograph and then attempts to reproduce the image as realistically as possible in another medium. Richard Estes, Chuck Close, Audrey Flack"

Street Art

ballerina, Street Art Early 21st century (2000s onwards) Artistic works developed in public spaces, usually unsanctioned and executed outside of the traditional art venues. Often connected with graffiti art. Banksy, Shepard Fairey, JR

Prompt - "ballerina, Street Art Early 21st century (2000s onwards) Artistic works developed in public spaces, usually unsanctioned and executed outside of the traditional art venues. Often connected with graffiti art. Banksy, Shepard Fairey, JR"

Digital Art

ballerina, Digital Art Early 21st century (2000s onwards) An artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process. This includes digital painting, digital photography, 3D modeling, etc. David Hockney, Cory Arcangel, Ian Cheng

Prompt - "ballerina, Digital Art Early 21st century (2000s onwards) An artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process. This includes digital painting, digital photography, 3D modeling, etc. David Hockney, Cory Arcangel, Ian Cheng"

New Media Art

ballerina, New Media Art Early 21st century (2000s onwards) Encompasses artworks created with new media technologies, including digital art, computer graphics, computer animation, virtual art, Internet art, interactive art, and more. Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Nam June Paik, Jenny Holzer

Prompt - "ballerina, New Media Art Early 21st century (2000s onwards) Encompasses artworks created with new media technologies, including digital art, computer graphics, computer animation, virtual art, Internet art, interactive art, and more. Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Nam June Paik, Jenny Holzer"


ballerina, Hyperrealism Early 21st century (2000s onwards) An extremely realistic style of painting and sculpture, often including high-resolution details, and often based on digital photography. Alyssa Monks, Diego Fazio, Jason de Graaf

Prompt - "ballerina, Hyperrealism Early 21st century (2000s onwards) An extremely realistic style of painting and sculpture, often including high-resolution details, and often based on digital photography. Alyssa Monks, Diego Fazio, Jason de Graaf "

Post-Internet Art

ballerina, Post-Internet Art Early 21st century (2010s onwards) Art produced in response to the pervasiveness of the Internet and social media, characterized by its online presence and its engagement with the issues raised by this technology.

Prompt - "ballerina, Post-Internet Art Early 21st century (2010s onwards) Art produced in response to the pervasiveness of the Internet and social media, characterized by its online presence and its engagement with the issues raised by this technology."

Insta-Art / Social Media Art

ballerina, Insta-Art / Social Media Art Early 21st century (2010s onwards) Art primarily created for and distributed through social media platforms. This form of art is typically digital and can take on a variety of forms from photography to digital paintings. Amalia Ulman, Molly Soda, JiaJia Fei

Prompt - "ballerina, Insta-Art / Social Media Art Early 21st century (2010s onwards) Art primarily created for and distributed through social media platforms. This form of art is typically digital and can take on a variety of forms from photography to digital paintings. Amalia Ulman, Molly Soda, JiaJia Fei"


In conclusion, our exploration of using Midjourney, an AI-based image generator, to create numerous styles of ballerina art showcases the potential of technology to breathe new life into historical art styles. By utilizing artificial intelligence, we've been able to reimagine the classic subject of a ballerina through a diverse range of historical art lenses.

Throughout this process, Midjourney has served as a powerful tool, enabling us to virtually traverse the rich expanse of art history and reimagine the ballerina in different styles, ranging from the lifelike accuracy of the Renaissance to the bold simplicity of Pop Art.

This journey demonstrates the profound potential of AI in art. Midjourney, by simulating historical styles, allows us to see the ballerina in a light that is both innovative and nostalgic. It serves as a testament to how technology can not only emulate human creativity but also offer a fresh perspective on traditional art subjects.

The use of AI in art isn't just about repackaging the old; it's about uncovering new possibilities and narratives. The elegance of the ballerina, when passed through the various filters of Midjourney, takes on different forms and colors, showing us just how versatile art can be.

Art, like the ballerinas it portrays, is constantly in motion, evolving with time and technology. As we continue to explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and art, we are sure to uncover even more exciting variations and possibilities.

This blog post has not only illustrated the power of AI in revisiting art history but also emphasized the limitless potential of creative expression. Just as the ballerina has danced through the ages of art history via Midjourney, so too can any subject be reinterpreted through the diverse array of historical art styles.

So, let's keep on exploring, innovating, and redefining art with the help of AI. Let's continue the dance with Midjourney and create a future where technology and art coalesce into a breathtaking spectacle of creativity. In the end, the goal remains the same – to create, to inspire, and to witness the world from new and beautiful perspectives.


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Lauren McDonagh-Pereira

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photo of a woman holding a camera, surrounded by sunflowers

MEET Lauren McDonagh-Pereira

Lauren McDonagh-Pereira is a photographer from Massachusetts, USA. She captures the beauty of the world around her, favoring Nikon cameras and lenses. She is drawn to shooting landscapes, wildlife, nature, and people authentically enjoying life. 

Tweet me @LAMPphotography

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