How to Change Midjourney Aspect Ratios: A Comprehensive Guide

Can You Change the aspect Ratios of Midjourney IMages?


 With the convergence of artificial intelligence and creative design, Midjourney is reshaping the way we visualize, craft, and present digital content.

Whether you're a seasoned designer seeking a touch of automation or a novice experimenting with digital art, Midjourney offers an intuitive interface paired with powerful capabilities.

One of the platform's standout features is its flexibility in aspect ratios, a critical element that significantly impacts an image's aesthetic and functionality.

In this guide, we'll explore the world of aspect ratios within Midjourney, offering insights and step-by-step instructions to master this essential feature.

Table of Contents


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A graphic flyer for a blog post titled "How to Change Midjourney Aspect Ratios". It features a grid of AI-generated images at different aspect ratios of famous European tourist landmarks.

What is Midjourney?

Midjourney is a Discord-based AI-art platform that uses the recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) to produce new, unique images.

Midjourney is a product from the San Francisco-based research lab, Midjourney, Inc. At its core, it is a generative artificial intelligence program designed to create visual content, effectively transforming textual descriptions into stunning visual images.

The mechanism by which Midjourney operates is reminiscent of other notable AI models, such as OpenAI's DALL-E. Users provide Midjourney with "prompts", which are essentially natural language descriptions, and the AI interprets these prompts to produce a corresponding image.

This capability has vast implications, from graphic design to conceptual art, as it melds human creativity with algorithmic precision. The immediate feedback loop allows for endless exploration, where slight tweaks in the prompt can lead to vastly different visual outcomes.

What further differentiates Midjourney from its counterparts is its seamless integration with popular communication platforms. Currently, it's primarily accessed via Discord, a popular chat application. Users interact with Midjourney through a Discord bot, sending commands and receiving images in real-time.

This integration makes it accessible to a wide audience, from artists exploring new mediums to casual users looking to generate unique visuals for personal projects.

However, like many AI tools, Midjourney has had its share of controversies. Its vast capability to generate images based on prompts led to concerns about potential misuse or copyright infringement.

Moreover, there were debates surrounding the AI's censoring of specific prompts related to political or religious figures. Despite these challenges, the team behind Midjourney has been proactive in navigating these concerns, implementing more nuanced content moderation systems and ensuring that the tool respects both creativity and sensitivity.

Midjourney is more than just another AI tool—it's a testament to the potential of combining human creativity with advanced algorithms. As it continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly shape the way we think about art, design, and the very nature of creativity in the digital age.

An AI-generated background image of sunflowers. Overlay text reads "What is Midjourney Midjourney is an AI-powered tool that transforms textual descriptions into visually stunning images, blending human creativity with algorithmic precision."'

Why are Aspect Ratios Important?

The aspect ratio of an image, which refers to the relationship between its width and height, plays a pivotal role in both its creation and how it's perceived by viewers. Here's why aspect ratios are paramount in image generation and presentation:

  1. Visual Harmony: The right aspect ratio can bring balance and proportion to an image, ensuring that the subject and background elements coalesce seamlessly. A harmonious composition is often more appealing to the eye and can convey the intended message more effectively.

  2. Optimal Viewing on Different Devices: In today's digital age, content is viewed across a plethora of devices – from smartphones and tablets to desktop monitors and large-scale displays. Each device type often has its own optimal aspect ratio. By considering these variations, creators can ensure their images look their best regardless of where they're displayed.

  3. Customization for Purpose: Different projects may require specific aspect ratios. For instance, a banner ad may demand a wide, panoramic view, while a book cover or portrait might benefit from a taller aspect ratio. Being able to adjust and customize these dimensions allows for greater flexibility in design.

  4. Narrative Control: The aspect ratio can influence how a viewer's eyes move across an image, guiding them through a visual narrative. A more extended aspect ratio might lead the eyes horizontally, emphasizing landscapes or wide action scenes, while a taller ratio might focus attention vertically, highlighting elements like growth or ascent.

  5. Professional Standards: In some industries, specific aspect ratios are the norm. Photographers, filmmakers, and digital marketers often adhere to certain standards to ensure their work aligns with industry expectations and is compatible with common display methods.

  6. Enhanced Creativity: With the ability to experiment with various aspect ratios, creators can explore new perspectives and compositions, pushing the boundaries of traditional imagery and discovering unique visual stories.

In the context of AI image generation tools like Midjourney, the flexibility to adjust aspect ratios is even more critical. As the software generates images based on textual prompts, the aspect ratio can influence how the AI interprets and renders the requested scene. Thus, understanding and effectively using aspect ratios becomes a vital tool in the arsenal of any digital creator.

A graphic representation showing the effect of different aspect ratios using Ai-generated images of a rose.

What are aspect Ratios?

An aspect ratio defines the proportional relationship between the width and the height of an image or screen. It is typically expressed as two numbers separated by a colon, like 16:9 or 4:3. The first number represents the width, and the second denotes the height. To visualize this, think of the aspect ratio as a frame that dictates how the content inside it is displayed.

For instance, a square image, where the width equals the height, has an aspect ratio of 1:1. This means the image could be 1000px by 1000px, or even 500px by 500px; in both scenarios, the width-to-height ratio remains consistent at 1:1.

Aspect ratios play a pivotal role in how an image is perceived. By altering the aspect ratio, one can change the entire dynamics of a scene, emphasizing certain elements while diminishing others. For example, a panoramic aspect ratio might be chosen to emphasize vast landscapes, while a square might focus the viewer's attention on a central subject.

Moreover, different devices and platforms favor different aspect ratios. A cinema screen, smartphone, computer monitor, and Instagram post all have preferred aspect ratios that best suit their display parameters and intended viewing experience.

Using the right aspect ratio ensures that the image or content is displayed correctly, without unwanted cropping or distortion. In essence, the aspect ratio is the bridge between the creator's vision and the viewer's experience, ensuring that the narrative and aesthetic intentions are conveyed seamlessly.

An AI generated rose at an extreme aspect ratio of 1:5

Prompt: A photograph of a single rose --ar 1:5

What are common aspect Ratios?

Selecting the correct aspect ratio isn't just about the visual appeal; it's also about ensuring your image resonates with the intended audience and purpose. Each aspect ratio brings its unique flavor and implication, making it crucial for creators to choose wisely based on their objectives.

Here's a guide to some popular aspect ratios and their common applications:

Aspect Ratio


Common Uses



Social media posts (especially Instagram), profile pictures


Slightly wider than tall

Traditional frame and print ratio, portraits


Wider than tall

Standard print photography, digital cameras


Close to widescreen

HD TV screens, smartphone screens, cinematic experience



Modern TV broadcasts, YouTube videos, cinema screenings


Slightly taller widescreen

Computer monitors, tablet screens

Insights into the Table:

  • 1:1 (Square): This aspect ratio is immensely popular on social media platforms like Instagram. Its symmetry offers a balanced view, making it ideal for singular subjects, from portraits to products.

    [caption id="attachment_14487" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    An Instagram style AI-generated photograph of a smiling woman wearing glasses.

    Prompt: A photograph of a smiling women in trendy clothes in the style of an Instagram post --ar 1:1[/caption]


  • 5:4: Predominantly used for traditional frames and prints, the 5:4 aspect ratio offers a slightly wider perspective. This is often chosen for portrait photographs, especially in a studio setting.

    [caption id="attachment_14488" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    A dramatic AI portrait of a woman with red hair.

    Prompt: A studio photograph of a female model --ar 5:4[/caption]


  • 3:2: This is the go-to ratio for most digital cameras, a legacy from the 35mm film era. It gives a pleasing balance that's wide without being overly so, making it versatile for various photographic subjects.

    [caption id="attachment_14492" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    An AI-generated image of a women walking through a European city

    Prompt: A photograph of a smiling women walking through a European city[/caption]


  • 7:4: While not as common, the 7:4 ratio aligns closely with HD TV and modern smartphone screens. It's a great choice for videos or images meant for viewing on these devices.

    [caption id="attachment_14496" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    An AI-generated image of a woman hosting a YouTube vodcast.

    Prompt: A photographic still of a woman hosting a YouTube video --ar 7:4[/caption]


  • 16:9 (Widescreen): The darling of the modern entertainment world, 16:9 is the standard for TV broadcasts, films, and online videos. It provides a cinematic feel, immersing the viewer into the scene.

    [caption id="attachment_14497" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    An AI-image from an imaginary movie of a couple dramatically kissing in the rain.

    Prompt: A photographic still from a movie, dramatic lighting, a couple kisses in the rain in Paris --ar 16:9[/caption]


  • 16:10: This aspect ratio is commonly found in computer monitors and tablets. While similar to 16:9, it offers a bit more vertical space, which can be beneficial for certain applications, such as design work or reading.

    [caption id="attachment_14498" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    An AI-image of two woman working in a professional setting.

    Prompt: A photograph still of a woman teaching a class through a digital platform like Zoom --ar 16:10[/caption]

Remember, while these are common uses, they are not strict rules. The best aspect ratio is the one that aligns with your vision and purpose, delivering the desired impact to your audience.

An infographic table showing different aspect ratios and their common uses.

How Do Aspect Ratios Affect the Composition of Images?

Aspect ratios don't merely resize an image; they can profoundly influence its narrative, composition, and overall feel. Understanding how these ratios shape content is key to harnessing their potential and creating compelling visuals. 

  1. Framing the Subject: The selected aspect ratio dictates the boundaries of your image, guiding the viewer's eyes to particular parts of the composition. For instance, a 1:1 square ratio might center a subject, making it the focal point, while a wider 16:9 ratio could emphasize the environment around the subject.

    [caption id="attachment_14504" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    An AI-generated faux-photograph of a woman posing for a formal portrait in the 1950s

    Prompt: A centered photograph of a smiling young woman --ar 1:1[/caption]


  2. Highlighting Details: Changing the aspect ratio can either magnify or minimize details. A taller aspect, like 5:4, might be chosen to accentuate vertical elements like skyscrapers or waterfalls, whereas a wider ratio like 16:9 can be used to showcase expansive landscapes or cityscapes.

    [caption id="attachment_14505" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    A faux-photograph of a woman sitting at the edge of the Grand Canyon.

    Prompt: A photograph of an Instagram influencer visiting the Grand Canyon --ar 16:9[/caption]


  3. Creating Mood and Atmosphere: Wider ratios often give a cinematic feel, eliciting emotions associated with movie-watching. On the other hand, non-standard ratios can create a unique or even unsettling vibe, pushing viewers to see a subject in a new light.

    [caption id="attachment_14506" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    An AI fauxtograph of the Eiffel tower in Autumn

    Prompt: The Eiffel tower --ar 5:4[/caption]


  4. Adjusting Balance and Symmetry: A square 1:1 ratio inherently feels balanced due to its symmetry, making images appear stable and grounded. In contrast, wider ratios can introduce dynamism, especially when compositional techniques like the rule of thirds are applied.

    [caption id="attachment_14507" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    A fauxtograph of a woman in a leather jacket at a bar.

    Prompt: A photograph of a woman in a leather jacket sipping a drink in a bar with cinematic lighting --ar 16:9[/caption]


  5. Adapting to Platforms and Devices: Aspect ratios can ensure optimal viewing experiences. For instance, a 7:4 ratio image might be ideal for smartphone viewing, while a 16:9 image fits perfectly on most modern televisions. This adaptability ensures your visuals are always seen as intended, without undesirable cropping or stretching.

    [caption id="attachment_14511" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    An AI fauxtograph of a woman walking along a beach at sunset.

    Prompt: A photograph, use the rule of thirds to place the objects in the image, a women in a beautiful beach dress walks along the ocean shore at sunset --ar 16:9[/caption]


  6. Guiding Storytelling: Sequential images, like in a comic strip or storyboard, can benefit from consistent aspect ratios, ensuring continuity in storytelling. Meanwhile, changing ratios can punctuate certain moments or introduce new narrative elements.

    [caption id="attachment_14515" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

    An AI-generated image of a mouse going to school.

    Prompt: a panel from a comic strip about a mouse going to school --ar 1:1[/caption]

In essence, the aspect ratio is not just a technical consideration but a vital compositional tool. It can reinforce a story, emphasize specific details, and even evoke specific emotions. By understanding and consciously choosing aspect ratios, creators can add another layer of depth and intention to their visuals.

A graphic illustration showing why aspect ratio matters in fauxtography.

What is Midjourney's Default Aspect Ratio?

Midjourney's default aspect ratio is 1:1.

[caption id="attachment_14521" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

An AI generated fauxtograph of a white and orange cat posing in an Autumn basket of leaves and pumpkins.

Prompt: A cat named Pumpkin --chaos 75[/caption]

The 1:1 aspect ratio, often referred to as the square format, presents an image with equal width and height. This balance creates a harmonious symmetry that captures and holds viewers' attention. It's no wonder that platforms like Instagram initially adopted this format, recognizing its visual appeal and the way it effortlessly showcases content without favoring the horizontal or vertical dimension.

[caption id="attachment_14522" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

An AI fauxtograph of an orange cat sitting with two Halloween pumpkins.

Prompt: a cat named Pumpkin --chaos 25[/caption]

Midjourney's choice of a 1:1 aspect ratio as its default setting speaks to the platform's commitment to delivering immediate, impactful visuals. Users can easily generate images without needing to learn about configurations, knowing the default will produce consistent and engaging results.

[caption id="attachment_14526" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

An AI fauxtograph of a black cat standing amongst pumpkins in front of pumpkin wallpaper.

Prompt: A cat named Pumpkin --chaos 75[/caption]

Of course, while 1:1 offers undeniable aesthetic advantages, it's only one of many aspect ratios available in Midjourney. The platform provides the flexibility to alter this default, catering to diverse needs and creative visions. However, for those just starting their journey or looking for a universally appealing format, the default 1:1 aspect ratio serves as a reliable and captivating choice.

An AI photograph of an orange cat posing under some fall leaves in the afternoon light of Autumn.

Prompt: A cat named Pumpkin --chaos 75

Can You Change Image Aspect Ratios in Midjourney?

Venturing into Midjourney's settings reveals its versatile nature. One of the standout features of this AI image generator is the ability to swiftly modify the aspect ratio, offering users an array of creative options. Here's a concise guide on how to harness this capability:

  1. Using Parameters: Midjourney provides parameters like --aspect or --ar to directly influence the aspect ratio of the generated image. By appending these parameters with your desired ratio, such as --ar 5:4 or --ar 3:2, you can shape your image to fit various aesthetic and functional needs.

  2. Visual Adjustments: Beyond the parameters, Midjourney offers a more visual approach with the 🔎 Zoom Out buttons. Found on any upscaled image, these buttons let users adjust the image's aspect ratio on the fly. When utilized, the Midjourney Bot intelligently fills in the new space, ensuring that the image remains consistent with the original prompt.

  3. Experimenting with Extremes: For the adventurous, Midjourney allows for experimental aspect ratios that exceed the 2:1 boundary. While these can produce unique and unexpected results, they're worth exploring for those seeking to push the boundaries of conventional image composition.

In essence, while Midjourney's default setting of a 1:1 aspect ratio offers a balanced and visually appealing starting point, the platform champions flexibility. With just a few clicks or parameter tweaks, users can redefine their image's dimensions, enabling a spectrum of creative expressions.

An AI-generated fauxtograph of Bridal Veil falls at Yosemite National Park.

Prompt: A landscape photograph of Bridal Veil falls in Yosemite National Park --ar 2:3

How Do You Change the Aspect Ratio in Midjourney?

Join the Midjourney Discord Channel

If you do not already have a Discord account, go to and create a user account. 

Once you have an account visit, to join the Midjourney Discord server. 

A screenshot of the Midjourney Discord Server

The Midjourney Discord Server

Create a Midjourney Account

Visit and sign up for an account.

A screenshot of the Midjourney "Manage Subscription" Page

The Midjourney "Manage Subscription" Page

Go Back to Discord and Open a General Image Gen Text Channel

Once you have signed up for a Midjourney Subscription, head back over to the Midjourney Discord Server and open one of the "General Image Gen" text channels. 

Within these channels, you will be able to use the /imagine command to generate AI images.

Everyone else using the the text channel will be able to see your prompts in real time as you submit them. 

If you prefer to work without the distraction of other people's prompts, you can open a direct DM with the Discord bot. 

A screen shot of an Midjourney General Image Gen text channel

One of the Midjourney General Image Gen Text Channels

Create a New Image with the /Imagine Command

Use the command "/imagine" to create a new image with a text-based prompt.

In the example below, my prompt was "a tiny baby turtle". (Author's note: My husband, two kids, and I may or may not all be wearing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles pajama costumes as I write this article.)

I did not add any aspect ratio parameter to this prompt, so my image was rendered in the Midjourney default of 1:1.

You can see that the four image render options are all square 1:1 images.

A Discord screenshot of a Midjourney image render without any aspect ratio modifications.

A Midjourney Render in Discord without an Aspect Ratio Parameter

Change the Aspect Ratio by Using the --aspect or --ar Parameters

To create a new image with an alternative aspect ratio, type the command "/imagine", type your promt and then add the modifier --aspect or --ar to the end of your prompt.

You must format your aspect ratio parameter as "--ar 2:3" or "--aspect 2:3" where the first number represents the desired width, and the second number represents your desired height.

[caption id="attachment_14557" align="aligncenter" width="488"]

A screen shot of a Midjourney prompt with an aspect ratio modifier added to the end.

Midjourney Prompt with Aspect Ratio Parameter[/caption]


If you add any extra spaces or characters, Midjourney will not render your image.

[caption id="attachment_14558" align="aligncenter" width="400"]

A screenshot of a Midjourney error message returned after an incorrect parameter was entered.

An Incorrect Aspect Ratio Parameter Error[/caption]

In my example below, I used --ar 2:3 to create an image that is 2 units wide, and 3 units tall. This aspect ratio is the same as a 4x6 photo print shot in portrait orientation. 

It is important to note that changing the aspect ratio will not change the actual size of the image. 

Midjourney upscales are 1024 x 1024 pixels. Changing the aspect ratio will result in the long edge of the image being 1024 pixels, and the short edge being whatever fraction of 1024 that you set as your aspect ratio. 

A screenshot of a Midjourney render using the Aspect Ratio parameter --ar 2:3

Image Render with Parameter --ar 2:3

Upscale Your Favorite Image

Click on U1, U2, U3, or U4 to upcycle your favorite image, and viola! 

You have created a Midjourney render using the aspect ratio parameter. 

A Midjourney AI fauxtopgraph of a tiny baby turtle at a 2x3 aspect ratio.

Prompt: a tiny baby turtle --ar 2:3

By understanding and effectively using the --aspect or --ar parameters, you can tailor your Midjourney creations to fit a multitude of needs, whether it's for a digital presentation, a print project, or personal use. Experiment with different ratios to see which one captures the essence of your vision best!

What Are the Most Common Midjourney Aspect Ratios?

Midjourney's AI image generator offers users the flexibility to generate images in various aspect ratios. Each aspect ratio serves a unique purpose and has its own set of advantages. Here, we'll break down the most commonly used aspect ratios within Midjourney and what they're typically used for:

  1. 1:1 (Square)

    • Description: This is the default aspect ratio in Midjourney. With equal width and height, it provides a balanced view and is great for symmetrical compositions.

    • Common Uses: Social media posts, album covers, profile pictures, and digital art.[caption id="attachment_14584" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

      An underwater AI fauxtographic of a woman gracefully sinking in water.

      Prompt: Underwater photography, a graceful ballerina, calmly sinking in the sparkling ocean[/caption]


  2. 5:4 (Frame Print Ratio)

    • Description: Slightly wider than it is tall, the 5:4 aspect ratio is often associated with classic photography and painting frames.

    • Common Uses: Physical photo prints, traditional art frames, and digital artistry.[caption id="attachment_14583" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

      An AI underwater fauxtograph of a woman sinking in water.

      Prompt: Underwater photography, a graceful ballerina, calmly sinking in the sparkling ocean --ar 5:4[/caption]


  3. 3:2 (Photography Standard)

    • Description: Often termed the "classic" photography ratio, 3:2 aspect ratio images offer a broader view than 5:4 and are closer to the way our eyes naturally perceive scenes.

    • Common Uses: Print photography, landscape photos, travel blogs, and digital photo galleries.[caption id="attachment_14585" align="aligncenter" width="683"]

      An underwater AI fauxtographic of a woman gracefully sinking in water.

      Prompt: Underwater photography, a graceful ballerina, calmly sinking in the sparkling ocean --ar 2:3[/caption]


  4. 7:4 (Near HD TV & Smartphone Screens)

    • Description: This aspect ratio is very close to the standard 16:9 widescreen ratio, making it ideal for modern screens.

    • Common Uses: HD TV content, cinematic visuals, smartphone wallpapers, and widescreen presentations.[caption id="attachment_14586" align="aligncenter" width="683"]

      An underwater AI fauxtographic of a woman gracefully sinking in water.

      Prompt: Underwater photography, a graceful ballerina, calmly sinking in the sparkling ocean --ar 4:7[/caption]

Each of these aspect ratios is more than just a set of numbers; they represent different visual storytelling methods. By understanding the strengths and applications of each ratio, users can maximize the impact of their Midjourney-generated images. Whether you're looking for a balanced square composition or a wider cinematic feel, Midjourney provides the tools to bring your vision to life.

An absurd AI fauxtograph of a shark jumping out of the water on a flooded street while a small boy looks on.

Prompt: A viral Instagram photograph



In the ever-evolving field of digital art and content creation, understanding the nuances like aspect ratios can greatly enhance the overall quality and appeal of your creations. Midjourney, as one of the pioneers in AI-driven image generation, provides a plethora of tools and settings to empower creators in crafting their vision with precision. But beyond aspect ratios, the confluence of AI and art has opened up myriad possibilities, reshaping how we perceive and interact with digital content.

As you continue to journey into the AI-art universe, be sure to explore the interconnected worlds of AI content creation, NFT art, and blockchain technologies like Tezos. Each of these domains offers a wealth of knowledge and opportunities that, when combined, can lead to groundbreaking creations. For those eager to learn more and stay updated on the latest trends and techniques, don't miss out on our extensive tutorials on AI art, AI content creation, NFT art, and the intricacies of the Tezos blockchain. Dive in, explore, and elevate your artistic journey to unparalleled heights.

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