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Unlocking the Superchain: Optimism, Base, Zora, & Beyond

Bringing Ethereum to the world with Optimistic adventures

Optimism positions itself as a low-cost and lightning-fast Ethereum Layer 2 blockchain. Its development framework, OP Stack, extends even further. The Optimistic framework is creating The Superchain as a scalable network of interconnecting L2 chains.

At Layer3, we're building a multichain gateway with a focus on OP Stack chains. Our interactive Quests span Optimism, Base, and most recently Zora. Our Quests span and interconnect the Superchain, driving:

  • 6.5M+ Optimism transactions

  • 300K+ Active Optimism wallets

  • 200K+ Active Base & Zora wallets

We recently worked with Base for highlighting Onchain Daily while also being vital to its historic Onchain Summer campaign. Our partner, Antonio GarcĂ­a MartĂ­nez noted:

“Onchain Summer wasn't the only big source of Base users. Layer3 quests drove about as many new Base users, all over the dApp ecosystem, as the Onchain Summer launch site.”

With affordable, fast transactions and seamless Ethereum compatibility — OP chains are a key to unlocking crypto for the world. Saving billions in fees for users, Optimism and Base have offloaded significant traffic from Ethereum mainnet while inheriting its security.

In 2023, Ethereum has reached nearly 380 million total transactions while OP Stack chains have processed:

  • 130M+ Optimism transactions

  • 70M+ Base transactions

  • 9M+ Zora transactions

Base and Zora only launched last summer and the Superchain vision is still young. However, we're extremely Optimistic about the future ahead. Cross the Bridge to an OP Chain and make your first Superchain transaction.

Fast, low-cost transfers can unlock your favorite Ethereum applications as well as new ones. For Scaling Summer, we partnered with Uniswap to introduce L2 swaps for onchain adventurers. In addition, this decentralized article is itself minted on Optimism.

Other pioneers are building on Optimism's network. Worldcoin recently committed to building on the OP Superchain and Reuters reported in December:

"OpenAI CEO Sam Altman has doubled down on his vision for cryptocurrency project Worldcoin, following reports the company was seeking $50 million in funding. Worldcoin says it aims to create a global identity and financial network."

We're excited to add new OP projects across chains and dapps while building better cross-chain experiences in the New Year ahead. Celebrate The Birth of the Superchain with key Optimistic infrastructure as:

"An ode to a vibrant Superchain future built on the open-source OP Stack where anyone is empowered to build, connect and thrive on the new internet."

Decent: The Birth of Optimism Superchain - Layer3

Join Decent's campaign on Optimism to delve into a future of blockchain unity and mint your mark in the interoperable superchain era.

Start Quest

Layer3 is an interactive gateway to OP Stack chains with a seamless and native Bridge. Connect with us to unlock your platform for the world.

Build a Multichain Gateway

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