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Here’s how you can earn /onchain on Limitless, the social predictions protocol

Today, we’re excited to announce the next chapter of our collaboration with the /onchain community…

This time, instead of markets about the future of /onchain with Wrapped ETH as a collateral token, we’re going deeper with @raz to give each of you the opportunity to earn /onchain by making smart, well informed predictions about the future of the onchain economy & events in the real world.

The fabled /onchain is a culture coin that brings the spirit & energy of your favorite MMORPGs directly to your crypto wallet & Farcaster experience.

So, how does it work?

Limitless is a platform that enables you to buy YES or NO shares on the outcome of particular events. You can make smart & well informed predictions, and build positions in what you believe will happen.

These markets aggregate diverse opinions and information from participants, creating a collective forecast about the likelihood of various events by default. The price of YES or NO shares in each outcome reflects the market’s consensus probability of that outcome occurring.

At the specified deadline, an oracle reports the true outcome, and these YES / NO shares function like binary options contracts. Either, the collateral will be flushed from your position, marking it down to zero OR if you backed the right side of the market: each of your shares can be redeemed for 1 collateral token.

At Limitless, we call these shares “contracts”, and since we plan to support many more collateral tokens on the platform it’s important to remember that not all contracts are created equal. Let’s explore an example…

Imagine a market that uses USDC as a collateral token:

  • Each YES or NO contract is priced in cents & this reflects trader’s aggregate beliefs about the probability of the event (ie a $0.6 YES contract reflects a 60% probability of an event taking place)

  • Each winning contract will expire at $1, that means you can earn an extra $0.4 when the market gets resolved for each contract that you bought

But, when we use collateral tokens like /onchain or Wrapped Ether, the experience is a little different in that each contract is denominated by 1 /onchain or 1 WETH.

These markets can be used for a wide variety of topics, including events that may happen onchain (like the FDV of a particular token), online (like no of followers a Farcaster channel or Twitter account may reach) or in the real world (like which team wins the Champions League football this year).

How can you get involved?

We just added /onchain as a collateral token on

That means you can visit the platform, participate in /onchain markets and grow your bags by making smart & well informed predictions.

Limitless is a creator led platform, @raz and /onchain are some of our first creators, but you can create your own markets as well. Visit our Creators 101 to learn more about extra opportunities to earn whilst extracting rich insights from particular communities.

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