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Introducing Prediction Market Summer 🌞

All about creator led, Limitless prediction markets on Base.

In summer 2020, the world changed forever.

Uniswap had given birth to a new era of grassroots, community first token communities & applications. One simple algorithm had finally been implemented in a neat enough interface & achieved distribution, enabling an instant trading venue for any asset. The shackles of launchpads & centralized exchanges were burst, and open source, information age finance began to proliferate at revolutionary magnitude.

There was no going back…

To date, Uniswap has supported hundreds of thousands of pools and trillions of dollars in volume.

The financial nihilist in you may attribute this to the exponential risk appetite of the terminally online or the greed we know to be generally found among our species. But are you sure that alone could ever be responsible for sparking that lightning in a bottle that exploded & rocked the financial world?

Crypto had been around forever, or so it seemed, but there were still very few things you could actually do with it. By summer 2020, people could finally do things onchain. Elementary & seemingly retarded things, sure. But expression, ownership and the moral right to say fuck you to everything and all things is the fabric that holds this generation together much tighter than religion or politics as we know it.

Why? Because everything & all things failed us. The incumbent system wasn’t designed & nor did it account for the countless people that would come next.

This is a new system, and the financialization of free & open software atop of an unstoppable global machine stewarded by the people is freedom & opportunity immortalized.

Now, back to doing things onchain, we started by democratizing the role of the market maker to make way for new assets that funded new applications & rewarded the users of them. Then, we onboarded millions of artists around the world & stuffed our profits into their pockets to further accelerate this new culture.

Many other use cases later, and today, in 2024, we’ve taken an age old idea to aggregate the wisdom of the crowd & make astute predictions to prepare for & de-risk the world from seismic events.

Prediction markets are extraordinary pieces of market infrastructure that:

  • Are able to aggregate the wisdom of the crowd to make forecasts more accurately than “experts” about elections, economic policy, companies, stocks, apps, crypto, tech, inflation, sports & more!

  • Provide an incredibly flexible way to hedge against bad things happening or what any of the above & more things mean for you or a particular organization.

  • Create utility for community tokens & give people fun things to do onchain.

  • Protect truth in today’s climate of informational uncertainty.

  • & much, much more!

This summer onchain has clearly been all about prediction markets as they continue to make waves on the global stage. But prediction markets still have a long way to go…

Today, they experience the same shackles that tokens faced before summer 2020. Polymarket & other platforms are effectively centralized exchanges, constrained by the will of market makers & internal top down market creation.

Limitless & its creators believe they can spark prediction markets’ “Uniswap moment” - driving towards millions of user generated markets & trillions of dollars in volume.

“Prediction Market Summer” will celebrate all great that is happening in the land of prediction markets, Limitless, onchain, on Base, and especially that which is fueled by the contributions of our awesome creators 🫶.

We also have more exciting new features, updates & opportunities coming your way every single week!

Creator Of The Week

With that, we’re proud to announce our new “Creator of the week” series, which aims to spotlight Limitless creators who are driving forwards the ecosystem.

The first Limitless #COTW is @juliezhanggg - an awesome Zuzalan who enabled Limitless traders on Base to gain exposure to the price movements of memecoins on Solana without bridging or buying any tokens directly!

Julie also earned some nice rewards. It ain’t much but it’s honest work… Congrats Julie, you rock!

If you'd like to learn more about becoming a creator, you can visit our Creators 101 page and/or reach out to CJ directly.

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