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i’m sorry, but i have been heads down building

a lot has happened in the last 4 weeks, crazy amount of stuff that distracted me from writing my weekly brain dump which i’m sure you missed


  • i won another hackathon, this time ethglobal lfgho online, building ghost, a mobile native gho-centric smart wallet designed for p2p payments

  • we then decided to merge ghost with our ongoing project split3, moving our focus to mobile native consumer crypto app for payments

  • i organized the first italian farcaster meetup with the help of urbe.eth ofc

  • farcaster literally exploded and went viral with frames, so by chance we had the 1st italian meetup in the hottest week ever for my favorite decentralized social network

  • we hosted the 14th edition of urbe talks, our monthly meetup with urbe and probably it’s been my favorite so far

  • we started working on ethrome ‘24 so stay tuned cause there will be some announcements soon

  • we finalized the organization of urbe campus, a 1-week in rome of boot camp and hackathon for junior web3 devs, powered by arbitrary

  • finally, we went public with builders garden, an mvp studio i’m founding with frank and orbulo to build and launch new web3 products in the matter of weeks

winning ethglobal lfgho online with GHOst

winning ethglobal lfgho & split3 future ethglobal lfgho has been my first online hackathon and i can’t deny i was skeptical about it. if you know me, you know how much i enjoy irl events and connections, and the energy i get from them. frank convinced me in taking part to this hackathon teaming up with orbulo (ofc) and adding to our consolidated team zerg_drone, one of the latest new entries in urbe.eth. lfgho was all about aave ecosystem, thus related to payments and defi, with particular attention to account abstraction integrations. for this reason we decided to experiment with a mobile native application, using gho as a native currency (much like the digital dollar) and using smart accounts behind the scenes, thus completely abstracting the onchain interactions for the user.

in 7 days we built a working mvp and with everything we learnt we decided to invest more time investing in mobile native apps, because we realized that they are much better for ux, specially in comparison with pwas. that’s why split3, our group expenses management we’ve been working in the last weeks, will now me moved into this new mobile app we’re prepping for ethdenver.

farcaster frame madness 🖼

farcaster, our meetup and frames the last 10 days on farcaster have been crazy. first, a new memecoin called $degen, born inside the community skyrocketed bc ppl started using it as a payment currency for bounties and dao governance. then last friday (26th jan) farcaster core team released a groundbreaking tech called frames. frames are an extension of the open graph standard, which has always been used by apps to show link previews. this extensions consists in allowing dynamic interactions within the link preview with buttons and text inputs that allow building mini apps within existing applications that implement this new standard.if you wanna read more, look here.

frames went crazy and in less than 48hrs many mini apps started popping up in the warpcast (the main app built on top of farcaster - check supercast for another great one) feed.ppl built games, poll apps, dynamic galleries and more. hackathons were organized all around the world at the speed of light, because everyone immediately understood the incredible potential behind this release. farcaster once again proved to be the best and fastest community of builders and i’m proud i’ve been in it since the beginning when the feed was calm and quiet. as a builder and serial hacker i couldn’t resist in digging into frames and building some mini apps. in 7 days i shipped 7 frames of different types and complexity. people noticed it and i’m positioned as one of the main frame developers, receiving many requests from ppl and companies to build frames them. with all this hype, i also couldn’t resist organizing a hacker house with urbe in rome, bringing my community up to speed with the farcaster, frames and the latest trend. the hacker house has been a success, base even sent us pizza. we will for sure repeat it!

to close down this tab,i want to say that it’s been one of the funniest week ever, with incredible builders and hacker vibes. i saw my whole “web3” bubble grinding all they and all night building mini apps and bounty hunting. me myself won 1st prize bounty for the best frame built with air stack and i’m a now working with frank to experiment with frames and safe

*edit, here all the frames that i built!

urbe & ethrome

urbe and ethrome jan and feb 2024 have seen urbe very busy with a lot of stuff, probably one of our most actives period. we had urbe talks 14th with 2 talks about web3 landscape and its relation with the real world outside of our bubble. we started actively working on ethrome ‘24, prepping the new deck and website, and we still are a big group of 25 ppl contributing to it. then we had the 1st italian farcaster meetup, organized by me and funded with a crowdfunding campaign that was supported by the farcaster community. incredible event, i’m so happy about how it went and the general outcome has been to onboard many of our community members into farcaster (we even got our urbe.eth farcaster account). then next week we finally have our urbe campus: an initiative powered by arbitrum which goal is to educate the next generation of italian web3 developers, setting the building blocks for the future of the italian builders ecosystem. everything, as always, for free.

incredibly proud of what we are doing in our country for our people.

builders garden, our new web3 mvp studio

builders garden last but not least, builders garden: an initiative that me frank and orbulo have been cooking in the last months, putting our efforts together to transform our hackathon projects into real products involving all our network of builders and stakeholders in this ecosystem. we define it as an mvp studio where speed is our biggest strength. all these hackathons together allowed us to create a strong team connection being able to ship a lot of stuff in a small amount of time, still not compromising with quality. we believe speed is our biggest strength and people know it, that’s why we’ve been busy with lot of gigs even before announcing this initiative properly. apparently people noticed our hard work and great results along the whole 2023. now our focus is on this new mobile native payment app, while also helping talent protocol with

in the meantime we will keep going to hackathons to experiment with new tech, have fun together and hopefully win some bounties!

and.... that’s it i guess this is enough for this week, feel free to reach out to me if you are curious about any of this and wanna chat more! see y’all soon,

your friendly neighborhood lemon 🍋

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