BUILD Airdrop 1 ends on June 4th, at 9pm UTC, with a data snapshot.
With 150K+ users and 1.5M+ nominations, our social graph is large enough to move forward.
Nominations will be paused for a week, while we verify airdrop eligibility and nomination data.
You need an FID or ENS older than May 15th, or a Proof of Humanity credential to be eligible.
The Airdrop 1 token claiming period is June 11th to July 1st.
Eligible users will be able to convert BUILD Points to $BUILD Tokens (ratio to be calculated)
New announcement, later this week, about the exciting stuff happening this summer!
Mission Accomplished 🫡
In 20 days, more than 150K Farcaster and Talent Protocol users made 1.5M+ nominations. Not all of them are onchain builders, but the main goal of this 1st game was to reach as many builders as possible, even if we got some bots in the mix.
As a community-owned project, we want to avoid any type of censorship, which means all eligible users will be able to claim tokens (check eligibility criteria below).
But BUILD is about creating value and giving back, not about taking advantage. So we will reward verifiable builders (via selected Talent Passport credentials and manual review) with a token allocation multiplier of up to 10x. For transparency, each user will see their multiplier when claiming tokens.
Eligibility Criteria
Only users who nominated someone are eligible to claim tokens. Users who didn’t play the BUILD game, before it ended on June 4th 9pm UTC, are not eligible.
Additionally, and to prevent sybils abusing the system, all Farcaster or ENS accounts created after the BUILD launch (May 15th 23:59 UTC), will NOT be eligible to claim tokens.
Players are free to create new Talent Passport accounts after this date (so that they can increase their Builder Score), but their Talent Passport needs to hold at least one of these 3 credentials:
Farcaster Credential with FID owned by your wallet before May 15th, or
ENS Credential with a Primary Name owned by your wallet before May 15th, or
Proof of Humanity Credential (currently, Gitcoin Passport and World ID are available)
We’ll take a snapshot of all participants’ Talent Passport before the Airdrop 1 campaign ends.
You can’t participate in the Airdrop 1 campaign with different wallets. You can have multiple wallets connected to your Talent Passport and Farcaster account, but only one wallet will be eligible to claim $BUILD tokens (the exact claiming flow will be shared soon). This means that each FID will only be able to claim tokens once, with one wallet. The same for Talent Passport.
Information about the eligibility criteria is public, on the BUILD FAQ, since BUILD launched on May 14th. Initially, Proof of Humanity was mandatory, but after hearing the community’s feedback, we decided to loosen the criteria, and also allow for FIDs or ENS names older than May 15th to also be eligible to claim tokens from Airdrop 1.
If you’re not eligible, you have until June 4th, at 9pm UTC to add a Gitcoin Passport credential or a World ID credential to your Talent Passport.
What now?
On June 4th, at 9pm UTC, we will take a snapshot of all users, new nominations will be disabled and BUILD Points and Daily Budget will be locked, until a new game starts.
Users will be able to claim their Airdrop 1 $BUILD tokens between June 11th and July 1st.
During the down time, between June 4th and June 11th, we will:
check eligibility of all users, verify nomination data, and flag abusive behavior
remove all nominations and points distributed by non-eligible accounts
recalculate the total amount of points distributed during Airdrop 1
calculate the ratio to convert the total amount of points distributed, to the 150B $BUILD tokens allocated to Airdrop 1 (pro rata, not 1:1)
add the token allocation multiplier to all verifiable builders
develop smart contracts to claim tokens and update the website
do infrastructure upgrades
What’s next?
New announcement, later this week, with more details about the claiming process and the exciting stuff happening this summer!

Collect this post as an NFT.
I don't have the right, but did I have it before?
Hi! The eligibility criteria is clear in this blog post. Participation on and proof of humanity (>1 nomination made) have been a requirement since day one. We even added FID and ENS to include more people in the airdrop. If you meet the required criteria, and believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Thanks.
I was eligible before and sadly now I’m not eligible anymore this so sad, You guys have a useless team that constantly changing the rules. It’s so crazy my account, which was previously eligible, is now not eligible! What has changed? I also have your Talen account.
Hi! The eligibility criteria is clear in this blog post. Participation on and proof of humanity (>1 nomination made) have been a requirement since day one. We even added FID and ENS to include more people in the airdrop. If you meet the required criteria, and believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Thanks.
They have a stupid team that constantly changes the rules. My account, which was previously eligible, is now not eligible! What has changed? I also have your Talen account.
Hi! The eligibility criteria is clear in this blog post: 1+ nomination made AND Proof-of-Humanity or ENS or FID Participation on and proof of humanity have been a requirement since day one. We even added FID and ENS to include more people in the airdrop. If you meet the required criteria, and believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Thanks.
i am first time check You are eligible for Airdrop 1. but now showing You are not eligible for Airdrop 1. i am use passport.talentprotocol only .
Hi! The eligibility criteria is clear in this blog post: 1+ nomination made AND Proof-of-Humanity or ENS or FID Participation on and proof of humanity have been a requirement since day one. We even added FID and ENS to include more people in the airdrop. If you meet the required criteria, and believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Thanks.
I have 1 conditions below. why I'm not eligible for claiming $BUILD Tokens?
Hi! The eligibility criteria is clear in this blog post: 1+ nomination made AND Proof-of-Humanity or ENS or FID Participation on and proof of humanity have been a requirement since day one. We even added FID and ENS to include more people in the airdrop. If you meet the required criteria, and believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Thanks.
Hi, the build is saying that i didn't nominate nobody and i'm sure i nominted lot's of people, i don't know what typa bug this is
Hi! Please make sure the wallet address you connected on to nominate, is the same address you connected to your Talent Passport or Farcaster account. After checking, if you still believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Include screenshots of these 3 pages: - - -
Greetings! I have a problem with Build. I was an active participant in this phase and I have an account in warpcaster, registered before May 15, and my passport also has a 27 score. But at the same time I get this error. This makes me very upset :(( I NEED HELP PLEASE
Hi! Please make sure the wallet address you connected on to nominate, is the same address you connected to your Talent Passport or Farcaster account. After checking, if you still believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Include screenshots of these 3 pages: - - -
At least give us an explanation because we focused for a month to your project and you throw us out without reason.
Why? I was checking my account Yesterday on already eligible, but today I checked that my account is not eligible. If the score is required to be above 15. This is strange, why did the rules change after the snapshot?
Hi! The eligibility criteria is clear in this blog post: 1+ nomination made AND Proof-of-Humanity or ENS or FID Participation on and proof of humanity have been a requirement since day one. We even added FID and ENS to include more people in the airdrop. If you meet the required criteria, and believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Thanks.
bro mine is saying i didn't nominate nobody like how is that even possible what kinda bug is that
Hi! Please make sure the wallet address you connected on to nominate, is the same address you connected to your Talent Passport or Farcaster account. After checking, if you still believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Include screenshots of these 3 pages: - - -
Don't disappoint your community, okay?
Why did I suddenly not check the criteria when I first checked the criteria? How come my talent protocol suddenly wasn't checked, what's this? ADDRES : 0x5F216B69626ab3aA100B3C79BEa463532567c2C0
Hi! Please make sure the wallet address you connected on to nominate, is the same address you connected to your Talent Passport or Farcaster account. After checking, if you still believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Include screenshots of these 3 pages: - - -
I was also eligible till yesterday . What happened today guys? Fix it. My Talent Passport is 26 . Please inform us MY wallet is : 0x2E65b906153beb286a4F64fb082c86987d8029bd
Hi! Please make sure the wallet address you connected on to nominate, is the same address you connected to your Talent Passport or Farcaster account. After checking, if you still believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Include screenshots of these 3 pages: - - -
I was eligible on my Proof of Humanity on Talent Passport now i am not eligible, please why
Hi! The eligibility criteria is clear in this blog post: 1+ nomination made AND Proof-of-Humanity or ENS or FID Participation on and proof of humanity have been a requirement since day one. We even added FID and ENS to include more people in the airdrop. If you meet the required criteria, and believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Thanks.
Yesterday I was eligible for the airdrop, but today you are saying you are not eligible, this is child's play, I have 105,000 points, it was not easy to get these points, I want the reward of my effort...
Hi! The eligibility criteria is clear in this blog post: 1+ nomination made AND Proof-of-Humanity or ENS or FID Participation on and proof of humanity have been a requirement since day one. We even added FID and ENS to include more people in the airdrop. If you meet the required criteria, and believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Thanks.
Hallo Sir. I was checking my account Yesterday on already eligible, but today I checked that my account is not eligible. I'have active on Nominations, BUILD Points 48.43K. Build Tokens is 1.05M. My Wallet address 0xF49d3994D738F417d761678DE19Cb02D14e1161e My Warpscast - My Talent passport - My Build - Please advise and many Thanks
Good afternoon, yesterday I was admitted to airdrop. Today I see that dont. What could be the problem? My address 0x749d1cCFC12A69A1634aF05FAD69d5C99ED1dD65 My Warpcast - My Talent passport -
For issues with Talent Passport, please open a ticket on Discord:
In Criterion 3 of the Airdrop, I'd like to know how it's checked. I passed the check initially, but why am I failing it now?
me to
I completed my talent passport before 6.4. at that time, it showed that I was eligible, but yesterday my wallet was stolen, resulting in the loss of all degen. For security, I had to change my wallet and re-link build and warpcast. Today's inquiry shows that I am not eligible for airdrop. Why? Is it because I changed my wallet? Then I think there's a problem.
why im not elligable. I mean yesterday i check talent protocol and it was found and was right. but now BUILD cant find my talent protocol
My Farcaster was created on May 9th and it says it has a green tick but not eligible to receive airdrop, what is the reason?
Only users who nominated at least 1 person are eligible for Airdrop 1. BUILD is about nominating the best builders you know, so not nominating means you didn’t participate.
What is the total Points?
I've done FID or ENS older than May 15th but i see 'You are not eligible for Airdrop 1 😔 You didn't nominate anyone.' What is problem for me.. can i know why..
Only users who nominated at least 1 person are eligible for Airdrop 1. BUILD is about nominating the best builders you know, so not nominating means you didn’t participate.
I participated in the game But for some reason, not eligible. What could be the problem?
Hi! The eligibility criteria is clear in this blog post. You need 1+ nomination made AND Proof-of-Humanity or ENS or FID Participation on and proof of humanity have been a requirement since day one. We even added FID and ENS to include more people in the airdrop. If you meet the required criteria, and believe there’s some sort of error, please open a ticket on Discord ( or send a DM to @macedo on Farcaster with your wallet address and screenshots of the issue. Thanks.
very strange!!!! Farcaster :green tick Proof of humanity :green tick Not eligible,even they specified you only need 1 of 3 to be qualified!!!
Did you play the game and made any nomination?
same problem but i have only Proof of humanity :green tick . I nominated people, but all my nomination data is gone.
let's encourage new users
what if i have ENS domain since 2023 and not eligible?(
Please DM me on Farcaster if you see a critical issue.
Am I too late? (( 0x233adA7Fc4e68D89A140956c5EEd3903CA063CcE
In the early days, those with less nomination status were shown as a list on the main page. Because they were less nominated, many people nominated them. Accounts that were ranked 40,000 in the early days are now in the top 100. In short, non-builder accounts are now at the top. Please take this into consideration and average ens, farcaster and talent passport scores before the event.
The final leaderboard is yet to be published.
Thank you for reply boss 🫡
I have been nominated for more than ten days in a row, but I cannot bind Talent Passport.I am a real person and I have github and ens accounts, but I cannot bind them to Talent Passport.. my ens :ens9527.eth my address: 0x4689A58Dfa05DED5ad037511d9187c4d21c6F011 my fid:475530
Please DM on Farcaster
Can you tell me the total number of points Please?
I registered ens last year, but I don’t see it, just like the farcaster) I went in and updated it every day
that's great news!
Guys, the system counts ENS renewal as a new purchase, my ENS was created on 01.01.2023 but the last time I renewed it was May 26th :)
Should be fixed now, thanks
Great, everything works correctly. Thank you.
Today is claim day of $BUILD but what time?
FID Farc or ENS (availability) It is not necessary to hold $BUILD If you’re not eligible, you have until June 4th, at 9pm UTC to add a Gitcoin Passport credential or a World ID credential to your Talent Passport. More info
Mission Accomplished🫡 In 20 days, more than 150K users made 1.5M+ nominations. BUILD Airdrop 1 ends on June 4th, at 9pm UTC, with a data snapshot. You have 22h left to make your final nominations and confirm you're eligible to claim tokens. Please read & recast
Congratulations, waited airdrop! And next phase! Thank you @macedo Thank you /build
@paybot 1111 $BUILD
Loving this project and can’t wait to see where it goes! It’s propelled me to build more for sure!!! 🙏💖 Thanks Filipe!
I like that you guys are taking the time to verify before the airdrop. Really appreciate that!
so bullish on your project, keep building💙
Oh soooo fast! We are ready for it Filipe! 🔥
Thank you BUILD team and Filipe!
Keep building Filipe!! ✊️
Oh man.. I missed a few days while I was at consensus.Wish i could nominate more
I applaud all FC /build in /base 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Build build builddddd
amazing work fam @macedo !! 100 $degen
Congrats. Big work
Excited to see what’s next! Going to try to use that week break to make as much progress building out /acute as I can 🫡
Can't wait to the see the next phases of this.. Great way to celebrate builders... 200 $DEGEN
PSA: get you last nominations in ASAP!
Thank you for this good piece of information.
Bullish on your project
good news and its cool project 3 $DEGEN
Congrats and looking forward for the Season2. I hope there will be some minimum holding of $BUILD required.
Congrats 🌀
10 $DEGEN 👏👏👏
Вот это да, сегодня конец первого сезона по build 😱
Build is a diamond 💎
Please share more information 🙏 🎭
Congrats, Filipe!!