BUILD noms are coming back on July 16th!
A total of 50B $BUILD will be distributed by nominations this summer.
Only committed builders are allowed to nominate.
Unlimited weekly nominations, instead of a maximum of 3 noms per day.
BUILD is in Brussels this week, say hi!
BUILD noms are coming back on July 16th!
We're about to kick off the 2nd round of BUILD nominations. On Tuesday, July 16th, you'll be able to start rewarding your favorite onchain builders again.
For this Summer round of noms, a total of 50B $BUILD will be distributed to all builders that participate, proportionally to the total amount of points they receive.
The tokens to distribute are part of the BUILD Summer Fund, which consists of the $BUILD tokens committed by almost 40K different people.
What are the main changes?
Only committed builders allowed (committed 100% in Airdrop 1 or hold >10M $BUILD).
The nomination cycle will be weekly, instead of daily, and will restart every Tuesday.
Unlimited weekly nominations, instead of a maximum of 3 noms per day.
Your budget is the total amount of BUILD points you distribute per week, to all noms combined.
There will be new ways to nominate builders, on Farcaster and other apps.
Let's recap how BUILD noms work
Only Builders Allowed
Anyone with a Farcaster or a Talent Passport account can receive nominations, but making at least 1 nomination will be required to claim tokens in the end of the round.
Sybil protection will be stricter than in Airdrop 1, so to participate you need to either:
have committed 100% in Airdrop 1, OR
hold >10M $BUILD and have a human checkmark on Talent Passport*
*although a Talent Passport is required to nominate, we create one automatically for all new users who make a nomination on Farcaster or
BUILD Budget and Points
All builders receive a weekly budget of BUILD Points.
Your weekly budget is the total amount of BUILD points you will distribute that week when you nominate others.
Your weekly budget is NOT the value of each nomination, so the more people you nominate, the less points each one will receive.
The budget is divided evenly between all your weekly nominations. You don't need to specify an amount, like on $DEGEN for example, you just need to nominate a person. That's it!
The main factors to calculate your weekly budget are:
Tokens Committed on Airdrop 1
Builder Score
$BUILD tokens you hold
The nomination week ends on Mondays, which means both your weekly budget and nominations reset every Monday as well.
Weekly Nominations
We want noms to feel more authentic and thoughtful. Thats why this 2nd round of noms will work on a weekly cycle instead of a daily cycle.
You will have unlimited weekly nominations, instead of max 3 per day. You can't nominate the same person twice in the same week, but you’ll be able to nominate the same builder in different weeks.
The motivation to nominate should be intrinsic, so we're removing 10% points reward for nominating others.
There will be new ways to nominate builders, in Farcaster and in other partner apps. More info about this soon. Subscribe to this publication and follow @buildbot to be notified of future announcements.
BUILD is in Brussels this week
If you're in Brussels for EthCC or ETHGlobal, join us on:
July 8th, at Superchain Space
Don't miss our keynote "BUILDing Crypto’s Most Committed Community" at 14:00.
July 12th, at Builders Brunch Club
Base, BUILD, Eden and Talent Protocol are calling all onchain builders to celebrate Onchain Summer together, in Brussels.

Collect this post as an NFT.
Round 2 of BUILD is live. today, puff nominated three amazing builders that I'm extremely fortunate to know @undefined @to @edit Take the time to nominate ur favorite builders and ur weekly $BUILD budget would be distributed to them 💙
The great builder puff. 69 $DEGEN
thank u abbas king 🫶
Extremely good candidates! 🙌 🍖 x 25 $degen 25 $wild
cheers jon 🫂 🍖 x 100 200 $wild
Woop Build is live again yay 400 $degen
woop woop thank u so much kings 🫂 🫶 time to nominate kings soon 🍖 x 2000
LFG Bookmarked 👀
I didn’t know about this! Do I need to register as a builder or just hope that some people recognise me?
FC users should be able to nominate u here king: But, in order to nominate someone, u would need to have committed 100% in Airdrop 1 or hold >10M $BUILD. More details here:
time to nominate the big puff this round 69 $degen 🍖x690
haha thank u so much kev bro. Time to nominate mr president as well 🫡
awesome nominations puff 🫶🏻 🍖 x 420
thanks Cheryl 🫶 🍖 x 500
I got more than 10k budget points that whole budget will be equally distributed that I nominate in a week? @puffdood.eth
That’s correct as far as I understand
Got it king 👑ty 🍖x22
Great summary about $BUILD ss2 by @pohe ! Oh sheesh haha i did not know it will be started tmr on July 16th 😅 Read below summary or the original guys 🫶 lets get ready.
Nice I had forgotten about build lol
Hâhhaa me too 🤣🤣 just read about it lol
It's Build Season 2 from tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it.
Haha, I just found out after seeing Tony's post. My first builder is you!
Hâhha yeah me too 🤣🤣 i just knew it few minutes ago lnao
I didn't buy a tellant. The builder score is low... It's 3 points, but I don't know how to raise it🤣
Go to passport mate. I did not buy talent as well lol
Promise me to nominate me every day
Read the rule plz. Cant nominate twice a week. Signn
You can cheat over it , nominate me every day 😒
I can nominate yo today TonyMinh already nominated @ak0o0.eth. Yo earn 10 BUILD
thanks for sharing mate 🎭 33 $degen
Haha lets go and got yo tmr mate
yup, cant wait 😂
build!! 👀 starting again 🙌🏻 the new nomination 🫠 I'll read now 77 $degen 200 $wild
Starting tmw broda 😅 i just knew also
$build in my wallet, waiting for a long time, Iwaiting for a long time...🫠🥹
let's nominate
We need to hold 10M build and have passport talent for ss2
Yes if yo not commit ss1 airdrop
IMPORTANT to avoid unnecessary questions @macedo there is a link to the article below, please read it first, you can also see it in the pinned message of the /build group
469 $degen
Thanks for sharing 👍
Thank you for sharing 170 $farther
TL;DR BUILD noms are coming back on July 16th! Only committed builders allowed (committed 100% in Airdrop 1 or hold >10M $BUILD). A total of 50B $BUILD will be distributed by nominations this summer. Unlimited weekly nominations, instead of a maximum of 3 noms per day.
/build noms are coming back on July 16th! 50B $BUILD will be distributed with noms this summer, but only committed builders are allowed to nominate. Read more below and lmk your thoughts. 1M $BUILD for the 3 replies with the best feedback to the proposed changes. Expires in 1 week. @bountybot And if you're in Brussels this week, come say hi! 🇧🇪
I would love it if we could nominate through an action and have a weekly counter of our nominations accessible in a frame. The idea of being inspired to nominate someone based on their cast seems the best way to go.
it would be nice to see the “best builders” every week to understand how many points they score daily and get additional motivation
Hi Macedo, I have a question regarding the participation criteria: Are those of us who committed 50% of our $BUILD (for me, that's $8 million) eligible to participate? It seems a bit unfair if this isn't the case, especially since some people who committed 100% contributed much smaller amounts. Moreover, our commitment was made with the intention of supporting the Build Summer Fund. Thanks!
hey! that seems to be a common question anyone can participate, you just need to meet 1 of these 2 conditions: 1. have committed 100% in Airdrop 1, OR 2. hold >10M $BUILD and have a verified checkmark on Talent Passport* in your case, you just need to hold $2M more to be eligible
Thanks, but I still don’t understand the logic here. Why would someone who committed less $BUILD yet committed 100% be eligible versus someone who committed more $BUILD but 50% of the total, not be edible?
Commitment is not just about money, it's also about the gesture and the intention you showed when there is no direct gains.
A question, what if I didn't claim due to the wallet error - where did the build tokens for the last season go?
if you didn’t claim or commit they will be burned we can still commit them manually for you, and in this case they will be redistributed during the summer
sure you can commit my build tokens. wallet: 0x590f4cA9b70860d1B89be8A7e69f22E59f6dCF6f
I didn't know you could commit them manually, I asked a long time ago for that 🙃 Can you confirm if you did that for me?
confirmed, we got you should be reflected in your Passport next week
okay will participate. so this time we gonna able to trade our airdrops? what will happen to committed build tokens?
committed tokens will be redistributed by this 2nd round of noms
Amazing new Filipe! I have once question, so round 2 will last all summer right? (3 months)?
It doesn't have a fixed final date yet. Let's see how it goes.
Thanks for response Filipe, we'll kep finding and nominating builders 🔥
My only feedback is it might be good to increase nomination reward to a minimal 1 or 2 % otherwise a lot of people might forget about the project midway through and it loses steam. Additionally it may be good to provide a minimal nomination allowance to the people that didn’t commit their tokens to keep more eyes and engagement on the project.
good feedback, thanks
Hi, thanks for the simple, sectioned and easy explanations Just one thing: We were able to share our nominations from with a sentence saying what is the reason we're nominating a user, I mostly used to change it Wouldn't it be nice if like @tipothehat we could share the builder's or artist's specific cast too?, or There could be an a,b,c,d...form for us to be able to select the reason or profession or the thing that was built by the nominated person I think this could help builders What do you think @leovido.eth ?
Great work
I'm ready, I knew I just had to give 100% of my build!
Hey, I just hope the contract to commit without adding the warpcast custody wallet will be done before this second round. I'm already missing the talent spin game because of this :/
yes, we will add it before the round starts 🙏
That’s amazing to know Filipe🫂
Cannnnn’t wait <3
Here we go , just why my daily allowance doesn't count in my talent passport?
In talent passport, we got an option that Degen daily allowance has extra points , right ? Mine is zero and hasn't calculate for me , but I got near 10k DEGEN allowence.
The $degen API has had issues lately. Not something we can control unfortunately, but we're trying to fix
only for those who committed %100?! so for those who committed %50, what happend to other %50?
not sure if I understand your question, but if you committed 50%, you also claimed 50% of tokens to your wallet
Yes! I did! but my question is about nomination! you said those who committed 100 only can nominate for next season! I have committed 50% and according to the new law, I cannot nominate for the next season! Now, when can the remaining fifty percent be paid? And can't it be used to qualify for the second season?
The remaining 50% were committed to the treasury to be redistributed, they will not be paid back. Regarding budget for Round 2 of nominations, please wait for tonight's announcement 🙏
According to the text that you published, even the people who committed 50% are subject to nomination and this change is completely contrary to your previous words! How can you justify this?
I think it should be more decentralized as a meme coin But if the standard becomes 10m, there will definitely be a problem later, Holders with smaller bags will sell out all their $build With the current structure, inflows will decrease and become obsolete faster
How do I confirm if I'm Committed?
Well.. switching to a weekly cycle and ditching the daily cap could lead to more meaningful nominations, which is a nice touch at all. But, tightening up on eligibility might leave out up-and-comers or those with smaller stacks of $BUILD. Plus, axing the points reward could dial down the hype around nominating. Keep vibing anyway!
Love what TALENT and BUILD are doing! This is exactly what the crypto market desperately needs—a thoroughly verifiable way to assess everyone’s credibility on the blockchain. The potential use cases are endless. That’s why I’m so bullish on BUILD. 💙
According to the tokenomics, 15% of $BUILD should have been allocated for the season 2, so why only 50B now for season 2?? Are there new changes to the tokenomics that we ain't aware of?? @macedo
we're still in airdrop 1 we're redistributing 50B that were committed in airdrop 1 no new tokens will enter circulations for now
This noms system is definitely better! Weekly cycle feels more natural and help us choose more wisely. I personally won’t miss being at the end of the day without ready nominations. Would be really cool to have a reminder as the end of the week is coming! Just to think if we forgot somebody.
good idea we're planning to have that yes, thanks
Thank you, will be much appreciated!
Can't wait.. Lfgooo🔥 100% committed round-1
What do you think about leaving a review for his builder when he is nominated? That is, in addition to the nomination - social interaction with the developer. This way the builder will improve his product
good feedback, thanks! 🫡
wow that's very interesting, so only committed builders are entitled to have an allowance, all of committed or 50/100% committed?, to get their allowance. I can't wait for next week with us rebuilding what we built
We start on tomorrow 16 July so ended finish to?
waiting for it :)
tldr /build building better Criteria : committed 100% in Airdrop 1 or hold >10M $BUILD 1. Higher standard for participants means I feel my opinion isn't diluted by bots 2. Just have to get it done per week so I'll make sure to do on a Monday with other web3 jobs, otherwise nominate as you live and see cool dapps. so easy = more & better participation 3. I can nominate a builder I find to be exceptional a couple weeks in a row. or 3 weeks if super exceptional 💛nuance Love it all, tyvm 🎩88 $degen for luck
200% committed 💪🏗️
Airdrop #2 (150B $BUILD) will be start by September?
Is there any benefit for 50% committer? And what happen to user who didn't commit at all?
🚀 Your cast cashed in! Claim 🎩 DEGEN tokens on jam now! 🟣 🟣
In a new season, a budget should be calculated on the next criteria: - Builder Score - Amount of holding BUILD (this one must be valuable enough to encourage people to hold $BUILD), could also be a minimum amount - equivalent to $50-100 Possible multiplicators: - Amount of committed in Season1 (because it's easy to commit 100% when you got a $20-50 airdrop) - percentage (100% or 50%) commitment in the Season1 - Social ranking (not a score) - Participation in the TALENT Community Round General advice - please pay attention to the features which will bring new people to the campaign. Possible innovation: - increasing the next day's budget if the participant shared the post of made nominations? +10% will be enough. Just make sure the sharing functionality works fine because I remember in the S1 there were some issues that the frame was displaying old nominations, not the latest ones I did. PS. What about increasing the cashback %? e.g. 10 -> 20%. This will motivate people to not skip the nomination.
nice feedback, thanks! 🫡
Sorry, just wrote a comment and only after the decided to read the article :DDDD. However, some ideas in my comment still can be useful
btw, why only 50B? the tokenomics says 15% for season2 which is 150B
This is not airdrop 2, we're doing this round with the tokens committed from Airdrop 1. No new tokens will enter circulation in the summer.
Ah, that’s clear now. Thanks!
Round 2 is still part of the Airdrop 1 allocation. We're redistributing 50B that were committed by users, from the initial 150B.
do I get budget for a $build that's in the LP all the time?
My thoughts: 1, Keep the nominators rewarded with the same percentage like round 1 or motivate them with $Talent, unless there are other arrangement for keeping the community’s enthusiasm and growth; 2, If there are multiple seasons in each drop, it’s better to make it clear, and promises made shall always be kept strictly; 3, Make the rewards figures more visible with daily updated information for nominees, nominators, LP providers, .etc.,like, so that participators would feel the vibe of the system;
I have gone through complete post.... I have small suggestion if it is possible. For First week it should be that unlimited number of nomination one can do instead of he is nominated how many times. In this way many more builders will come to participate in this phase......
The current nomination operation is too complicated. Add action nomination button
Creat news
Ready for nominations
Great work Build! Hope season 2 for builder will more better than season 1, because so many people know about build.
50B instead of 150B? i tought aidrop 2 are also 15% on tokenomic? or am i missing something?
$BUILD again
Hello $BUILD
BUILD noms are back on July 16th! This summer, 50B $BUILD will be distributed among committed builders with unlimited weekly nominations. Join @macedo in Brussels this week to celebrate Onchain Summer and attend events like the Builders Brunch Club on July 12th.