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Emotions: The Gift Of Feeling

A poetic reading meditation for navigating and embracing all those diversely beautiful emotions that make us human.




Energy in motion.

The word itself,

A gift of guidance,

A simple solution—

To move,

To flow,

To be.

With this understanding,

Let your body move,

Even with the smallest of motions,

Whatever it calls for.

Begin to notice,

What emotions stir,

What may arise in this moment.

Take this as a journey,

A new experience,

A commitment to yourself,

To dive into your emotions in ways you’ve never done before.

Can you be open,

Open to a new way,

A new approach to your energy in motion?


Bring your awareness to the emotion,

Or perhaps a collection of emotions.

No stories,

No judgments,

No need to analyze why or how.

Just feel.

See it in your mind's eye,

However clear or vague.

It needs no explanation,

Only a name—

Like meeting someone for the first time,

Knowing nothing but their name.

Be with this emotion,

Just as it is,

Feel it,

Simply feeling,

No need for the mind to intervene.

Let the analysis go.

Can you sink deeper,

Deeper into the feeling?

No judgment,

No thought,

Only the experience of what is within you.

Nothing more,

Nothing less.


Feeling it all.

As you feel,

You honor every emotion,

Each one,

A piece of energy,

Longing to move.

By feeling without judgment,

You release the anchors,

Letting emotions flow freely,

Moving in,

Moving out,

No longer stuck within you.

Continue to feel,

Recall the emotion from moments ago,

Or notice if something new arises.

Every emotion,

All can be felt.

Feel more,

Without judgment.

Each emotion is beautiful,

As long as it remains in motion,

Just like the breath that flows in and out of you,

So too,

Your emotions need space,

Need to be felt,

Simply and fully.

Take this time,

To be with your emotions,

For as long as you need.

Feel more,

And know—

This is always accessible to you.

Simply feel.

Listen to my free guided meditation that this poem is based on.

What would you like? A vital element in all my meditative awareness experiences is co-creation. If there is a particular topic, theme or emotion that you are interested in seeing in the future, please feel free to reach out to me on Insight Timer or via www.mae.x anytime.

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Emotions: The Gift Of Feeling