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Witnessing: Through Your Eyes

A poetic reading meditation for consciously embracing the gift of sight, your ability to see the world and observe this moment.



Wherever you are,

However you are,

Seated, lying down, or standing,

Begin to notice your eyes.

Feel your eyes,

Aware of how they see,

Not judging,

Not analyzing,

Simply observing—

The act of seeing.

See what is before you,

Just as it is.

Let go of labels,

Release the need to determine,

To decide,

To attach meaning.

Simply witness,

Aware of the gift of sight,

Nothing more,

Nothing less.

When the mind pulls you away,

Return to your eyes.

Return to the simple act of seeing,

This beautiful gift you carry,

Every moment,

Every day.

Gaze around you now,

To your right,

To your left,

Above and below.

Take it all in,



Feel how the world around you

Subtly touches your being,

As you gaze with intention,

No need to name it,

No need to understand it.

Just trust the experience

Of seeing.

Feel the comfort of stillness,

The space around your eyes,

The ease they find in this quiet.

Even here,

When the mind returns,

Come back to your eyes,

Feel their weight,

Their stillness,

Their innate response to seeing.

Gift your presence to your eyes,

For they have gifted you sight,

Every moment of every day.

Often unnoticed,

Yet invaluable.

Now is the time to honor them,

To feel their presence,

To acknowledge their gift.

Stay here,

With your eyes,

For as long as they need,

For as long as you need.

The ability to see,

To witness,

Is a profound gift.

Be with it,

Honor it.

Listen to my free guided meditation that this poem is based on.

What would you like? A vital element in all my meditative awareness experiences is co-creation. If there is a particular topic, theme or emotion that you are interested in seeing in the future, please feel free to reach out to me on Insight Timer or via www.mae.x anytime.

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Witnessing: Through Your Eyes