Stoic Practices for the Information Age

A farcon lightning talk proposal by maurelian

This talk will outline practical things you can actually do in your day to day life, to improve your well being, mental health and effectiveness in your endeavours.

I'll aim for 5 practices, but as a starting point some examples include:

  • Focus on what you can control: there is no point in worrying about the things we cannot control. Focus on that which you can, and you will actually increase its scope.

  • Break things down into their components: In our age of abundance, we suffer more from desire than from not having what we want. Work hard to see things for what they are. That car is just a lot of metal. That account balance or follower count is just a number on the screen.

  • Negative visualization: There is great value in imagining the worst possible outcomes; the loss of your job, the failure of your startup, the death of a loved one. This will help to put your day to day problems in perspective and maybe even allow you to take them on with gratitude that they are not greater problems.

The talk itself will include relevant quotes from the original stoics and modern casters alike.

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