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Interview with the Vampire: A Scammer's Tale

A glimpse behind one of Farcaster's most proficient scams

In the murky waters of the crypto world, where fortunes are made and lost in the blink of an eye, the shadows teem with predators. One quiet Sunday afternoon, I found myself face-to-face with one of these digital vampires, a scammer offering an irresistible deal. What began as an attempt to lure me into a fraudulent scheme quickly spiraled into a revealing conversation with a man entrenched in deceit.

This is not just a tale of deceit but an exploration into the mind of a scammer. Bob, as I call him, was about to unveil the intricate web of manipulation and greed that drives one of Farcaster's most proficient scams. Join me as we step into the dark world, where every interaction is a potential betrayal and the line between victim and predator blurs.

Chapter 1: The Offer

One quiet Sunday afternoon, I received one of those infamous, too-good-to-be-true, irrefutable offers:

We would like to purchase from you a cast about our NFT game. Are you open to cooperate?

This piqued my curiosity. As a regular on Farcaster, I was no stranger to suspicious messages, but something about this one stood out.

Chapter 2: The Hook

Will you be able to pin a post for 3 days? 6.5 SOL - 3 days of a pinned post. You will need to sign up for the game and then let us know your ID so we can track how much traffic came from your link. We will also pay you for each person invited from you. We'll pay you before publication. And we will send you the text and gameplay video of the game for publication.

It was a classic bait: offering payment upfront for a simple task. This message was designed to build trust, a common tactic in the world of crypto scams.

Chapter 3: The Unveiling

I played along, curious to see where this would lead. Bob, the scammer, provided a website link, asking me to register to get a user ID. This ID was supposedly necessary for tracking referrals and earnings.

You can simply download our launcher and copy your ID from there. You don't need to download the entire game.

Red flags were waving furiously, but I continued, asking the questions any cautious participant might.

Chapter 4: The Confrontation

"Curious, how much money do you make with scams like this?"

Bob's tone shifted instantly. He felt the sting of my question, his response revealing a glimpse of his true nature.

Why did you waste my time?

But rather than retreat, I pressed on, urging for an honest conversation. Surprisingly, Bob obliged.

Chapter 5: The Confession

"You only care about how much money I've tricked people out of. You're just like me; you don't care about the tears of the people who were deceived. All you care about is the damn money."

This was his defense mechanism, a way to deflect blame and justify his actions. He revealed his dissatisfaction with the job, calling it a necessary evil to gather his first capital.

I'm the creator of the project, I get 70%.

Chapter 6: The Operation

Bob divulged more than expected. He was part of a larger network, where millions, if not billions, were at stake. The scam wasn't confined to one platform; they cast a wide net, targeting users on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat.

Twitter was our goldmine until it became irrelevant. Now, we're exploring new territories like Farcaster.

Chapter 7: The Ethics

"Stealing money from the poor doesn't make it sound better."

Bob's retort was chilling: "We're not focused on the poor." His attempt to justify targeting high-value victims only highlighted the moral bankruptcy of his operations.

Chapter 8: The Job Offer

In a twist, Bob attempted to recruit me into his nefarious world.

"Would you like to work in this field?"

My response was immediate and firm: "Not really, I prefer honest work."

His inquiry revealed a desperate need for accomplices, a further testament to the illicit nature of his operations.

Chapter 9: The Betrayal

Bob's line of questioning became personal. "What would your reaction be if you did get your money taken from you?"

I responded candidly, "You win some, you lose some." But I turned the tables on him: "How would you feel if I published this conversation?"

Bob's response was swift and defensive: "It would be unbecoming of you. Keep it buddy only in your head."

This exchange reminded me of the fragile glass house in which he lived, filled with betrayal and deception. Like Lady Whistledown in Bridgerton, I pondered the notion that betrayal is a double-edged sword. Those who thrive on it are often the most vulnerable to its sting.

Chapter 10: The Exit

As the dialogue ended, I urged Bob to consider the impact of his actions. "Anyways, interesting talk. Please consider stopping scamming people."

His silence spoke volumes.


  • Independent Actor with a Small Team: Bob operates with a small group, likely coordinating with others but maintaining a degree of independence.

  • Targeted Attacks on Farcaster: Easier to target due to known addresses, focusing on high-value individuals with minimal research.

  • Disdain for the Job: Typical criminal excuses, claiming necessity and lack of enjoyment.

  • Successful Past on Twitter: Made significant gains on Twitter until the platform became saturated with awareness and bots.

  • Adaptable Strategy: Continuously seeking new platforms and methods to exploit.

  • Attempted Recruitment: Scammers are always looking for new recruits, indicating a high turnover and constant need for more accomplices.

  • Emotional Manipulation: Scammers exploit not just financial but emotional vulnerabilities, attempting to justify their actions while probing the conscience of their targets.

Final Thoughts

Scammers like Bob aren't just looking for easy money; they're exploiting trust and vulnerability in a digital age. It's crucial to question, verify, and stay vigilant. Remember, everyone asks why scam, but understanding how and learning to spot it can save countless victims from falling prey.

Note: This story is based on a real conversation, but names and details have been altered to protect identities and avoid glorifying criminal activity.


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