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Doors of Destinies

Conceptual Photography - Art Explainer

Background & Motivation

In life, we often encounter crossroads where our decisions can significantly alter the course of our personal stories.

Similar to the film Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow, a single event can drastically change our future. In the movie, Paltrow plays Helen, a London publicity executive who is fired unexpectedly. As she heads to the underground train, two scenarios unfold: in one, she catches the train, and in the other, she misses it as the doors close. Her life diverges dramatically based on this single moment.

"Doors Of Destinies" stems from a deeply personal experience. After high school, I was passionate about pursuing art and social sciences. However, influenced by my surroundings and deterred by the uncertain career prospects in the arts, I chose to study business for a more secure future. I will never know what might have happened if I had made a different choice. Undoubtedly, I would be a different person with different experiences and relationships. I wouldn't be living in the same city, and I would likely have different friendships and a different spouse. These are just a few of the infinite possible outcomes.

Artistic Approach

"Doors of Destinies" encapsulates the idea that our destiny is not predetermined but is shaped by the choices we make. Each door represents a different path, and it is up to us—and sometimes the circumstances—to choose which one to take. Embrace the unknown, take risks, and trust that our choices will lead us to our true destiny.

This piece is a triptych consisting of three individual frames.

- The middle panel, with two entryways, represents the different paths we can take in life.

- The left gate leads to a path of beauty and art. The flowers symbolize creativity and growth, while the gated window suggests that this path may be more challenging.

- The right path leads to stability and financial success. The Mercedes-Benz symbolizes wealth and power, while the vintage nature of the car suggests that this path may be more conservative.

Equipment & Location

The scenes were shot on one of the oldest streets in Singapore, featuring many residential houses dating back to colonial times.

I used a Minolta SRT Super (1973) 35mm camera with Fomopan film for these pictures. The analog B&W approach emphasizes the purity and sobriety needed in the decision-making process.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through "Doors of Destinies." I hope this work inspires you to reflect on your own paths and embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

Where to mint
Doors of Destinies can be collected on OBJKT; limited edition of 10 with three remaining editions available for minting.

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