"The Black Album" is a compelling and multifaceted musical journey, featuring nine dynamic tracks and one captivating bonus track. This album masterf...
"From Shadow to Light" unfolds over an inspirational and storytelling beat, weaving a compelling narrative that delves into the depths of pain and po...
Transport yourself into the heart of the streets with a mesmerizing fusion of French rap and reggaeton in this autotuned masterpiece. The track's mel...
Embark on a visceral journey through the gritty streets of Tunisian ghettos with my latest autotuned rap creation. This melodic symphony draws inspir...
Non Je vais pas bien Dans la Tunisie j'agonise Pour oublier faut il se noyer dans l'alcoolisme? Comme tout le monde j'attends que l'avenir me change ...
Rap music isn't just a passion for me; it's a lifeline, a beacon of hope in the face of adversity. Growing up in poverty, I've witnessed firsthand th...
Embark on a lyrical journey through the heart of the French rap scene with my music, a fusion of raw emotion and unfiltered storytelling. Rooted in t...
Step into the realm of electronic euphoria with my latest beat, meticulously crafted to ignite your senses. Infused with the hypnotic allure of synth...
Med Mc, born in 1993, is a Tunisian singer and songwriter with a passion for music that started at an early age. Growing up, Med Mc was heavily influ...
Dive into the sonic tapestry of my latest autotuned rap track, where the chorus serves as a rhythmic anchor, and a singular verse unfolds with poetic...