Vol. 1, Issue 6 - Mar 10, 2023 ⌐◧-◧

Your source for all things Nouns Esports!

Our teams are crushing it! Aklo is competing in Collision this weekend! Unite in the Championship Series March Finals tomorrow! A Nouns Esports NFT mint!? -> mint.nouns.gg <- Stay locked in for a new NEW! ⌐◧-◧

Play of the Week

PeixotÄo with the tap, tap, tap... ACE! Taki POV. Game: Valorant.

Submit your gaming highlight for a chance to win $25 USDC each week! Any game, doesn't matter, let's see those hype moments! Head to Discord #play-of-the-week for more information.

Team Updates

DotA 2 

What do you all think of the new patch? Still waiting for a more significant update? Thoughts on the new hero, Muerta?

Nothing crazy to update this week as our team continues to prepare for DPC Spring Tour.

Buuuuuut... We have some exciting news to share soon, so stay tuned next week!


The team is rolling with some great results this past week!

In ECL action, we 2-0'd both Davenport University & Vendetta. Check out the video in the tweet below for some amazing highlights!

Meanwhile, we advance in the Ace North American Masters Spring 2023 tournament, with wins over Tsunami & Mythic and a loss to timbermen, all in BO1 series.

The hamtaro1H selected CS:GO Play of the Week:

Carson catches Vendetta with the pistol then goes Goldeneye 007 N64 version crawling through the vent to get his Ace!

Pokémon Unite

The team had immense success last weekend in Qualifiers and look to bring it home this Saturday against the best of the best in EU! Don't miss any of the action:

Good luck to the team!

Super Smash Bros. Melee - Aklo

Support Aklo at Collision 2023 this weekend! Doubles today with Foxy Grandpa leading into Melee Singles. We'll have all the information on our Discord!

Action can be found on either:

Good luck, Aklo!

Twitter: @NotAklo | Instagram: @ssbmaklo | Twitch: @Aklo214 | Coaching: @aklo

Taki’s Corner

Twitter: @soy_takii | Instagram: @soy_taki | TikTok: @soy_takii | Twitch: @soy_taki

Contributor Updates

  • Be sure to mint your "Esports, Introduced" NFT in the next 24 hours! We're currently at over 6,000 mints! Incredible support and we look forward to building on Base.

  • Work on Revolution continues with some outstanding progress being made! Check out some sample submissions and be sure to test your own clips! Drop a comment and join the esports revolution in #website-and-revolution channel on Discord!

  • In case you missed it last week, our revamped website, nouns.gg, has launched! Go check it out and provide feedback in the #website-and-revolution channel on Discord.

  • Noggles Cup v3 proposal has passed! Looking forward to a bunch of cool tournaments in the upcoming month, starting with DotA 2.

  • Play-of-the-Week proposal is still live to allocate a small amount of pod funds toward POTW. This program serves as a precursor to the launch of our own highlights platform where POTW will become a native thing in-app. Discussion located here.

  • Good luck to our contributor squad competing in the Stacked Studios Fortnite Invitational!

  • We host a weekly Contributor Call on Fridays at 3PM EST on our Discord. Everyone is welcome! Drop by if you would like to discuss these ideas, get team updates, and more!

  • Lastly, check out our Contributor Dashboard for all things Nouns Esports.

The Week Ahead

  • Mar 10-12th - Aklo competing in Collision 2023 (MELEE)

  • Mar 15th - Nouns vs Strife in ECL Season 44 (CSGO)

Things change and events are added/removed throughout the week, be sure to subscribe to our Google Calendar to keep up and get notifications for when things go live!

Meme of the Week

Just trying to get some Ws, man! (I'm the random)

Be sure to submit your memes in the #meme channel on Discord to be featured here! 

Thanks for tuning in to another installment of Nouns Esports Weekly! ⌐◨-◨ Be sure to follow us on Twitter @nounesports & Instagram @nouns_esports. Follow me on Twitter: @boosh0x.

We publish on: https://paragraph.xyz/


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