A generative project from Simmons Stummer that blends the simplicity of wax crayons with the unpredictability of flow fields that dictate movement and form. Now minting on fxhash.
Onchain Tickets Manifesto
“It's time to update tickets on the internet.” Mint the new zine from OPEN to learn why it’s time to bring tickets onchain.
Heroes of Mavia
Build your base to defend against enemy invaders and grow your army in Heroes of Mavia, an onchain mobile game available on iOS and Android.
New Based City
NFT NYC 2024 is just around the corner, and Shillr is showcasing the builder energy with New Based City. “Just build it.”
A generative collection by Amber Vittoria that uses abstract figures to bring vivid shape to the feelings and ideas we all experience. Now minting on Highlight.
this week on @base: - cryptocrayons by @simmonsstummer on @fxhash - a manifesto for onchain tickets by OPEN - base building by @maviaheroes - NEW BASED CITY for @shillr - abstract emotions from @ambervittoria on @highlight
Great work, thanks for putting this together!