Onchain Daily is our way to showcase the incredible amount of things to do onchain, every day. Here's the projects we featured over the last week:
el niño estrella
An onchain album by xcelencia. 14 songs, all onchain, available on Sound.
Based Opepens
A generative collection created by ripe and based on Jack Butcher’s Opepen Edition. A permanently open edition launched in August 2023. “onchain. forever.”
Signals were bounced off the moon during the eclipse to create the first ERC-7160TL collection on Base, meaning the pieces will evolve over time. Each NFT was open as an unlimited mint for 60 seconds over the course of 12 hours.
Based Bits
8,000 CC0 characters "causing byte-sized mischief" minted on Rarible.
Pods are bringing podcasts onchain. Collect the first onchain episode of the Mint Podcast featuring the founder of Drakula, Alex Masmej.