Know someone struggling with AI? Foundation set up a hotline to let people vent about it.
“Visionary work is always misunderstood. Critics now claim that AI art isn’t art. You know it is. We know it is. Mint it.” - Kayvon, co-founder of Foundation
The hotline is now closed, but you can mint your goodbye onchain.
The Path Less Traveled
A 24-hour open edition by Photon Tide on NINFA.
https://zora.co/collect/base:0x0b4b102742a68b422b02563cfe226a3ba2ba3420/1Our past, present, and future is onchain.
An extremely based visual from from eneowaith.eth.
https://zora.co/collect/base:0x8f79a3b1227972766f0bdacd6af583a32fad6963/3Composition of colorful particles on black
A 48-hour open edition from Mercedes-Benz NXT. A generative collection using particles that are part of the Mercedes-Benz design language and brand identity. Now minting on Highlight.
How can artists define and own their work in the age of AI? MODEL-WIP is a community experiment to commission one artist with $30,000 to explore the future of artist-owned AI on Titles. Apply onchain via JokeRace.

Collect this post as an NFT.
keep it up! hope you'll become an "amazon" of crypto market!
this week on @base - AI hot takes from @foundation - @photontide.eth - a based visual from @eneowaith.eth - a generative collection by @mercedesbenznxt on @highlight - a $30,000(!) commission for one artist to explore AI from @titles https://paragraph.xyz/@onchaindaily/onchain-daily-or-week-of-05-06-2024
That's for putting these together!