Epoch #1 is about to finish. So what? Nothing, lol. Just chill. But what if you want to maximize the outcome of what you’ve done for the last week? So keep reading this article. First, we wanted to share the exact strategies here, but we decided that it wouldn’t be fair. However, we aim to give you hints about what you can potentially do.
Disclaimer: we didn’t want to offend anyone with the content below. Mostly, it’s been written in a funny manner and should be considered a joke. Also, of course, NFA.
Do you remember the styles we indicated:
degen trading;
collecting and team formation.
Why are you here? Collect valueless cards/NFTs on blockchain that nobody cares about? If yes, immediately skip this article and go home. Despite Uncuts providing you with this opportunity, if you do this, you didn’t get the idea. $DEGEN has been created to showcases your nature: apeing in memes, degening, trying new shit to maximize your fun, etc. If you’re a collector, go on Ethereum and ape into monkey JPEGs rather than playing Uncuts.
No, are you still here? Okay, you’re in. You bought some cards, created a team, and are waiting for $DEGEN to fall down onto you. It’s the wrong way to play. Let’s define some basic rules here:
always choose your the end goal: trading or collecting;
reward will be decreasing all the time along the road (the end of the epoch). Act fast and decide when it will be better to change your strategy
the earlier you create a team, the earlier you’ll start getting scores because only scores matter;
you can replace cards anytime and, actually, you should do that since nobody knows who’ll start casting as sick tomorrow;
to remain on the team leaderboard, you should always have 5 cards in a team, but nobody says what cards you should keep there 👀
the most expensive cards do not always perform better. Test it, try it.
First, it’s a competition. If some cards suck, just get rid of them and buy something else to play. Otherwise you’ll suck at the end with a few bucks in rewards. Your task is to jump on the team leaderboard ASAP. You can use a few cheap cards and then just replace them when you have enough time to research who performs better. Why is that? Scores become active from the moment you create a team.

Here's the rating/frame colors breakdown (read rows on the image from the left to the right):
1st card (purple): 0-15;
2nd card (orange): 16-30;
3rd card: 31-45;
...7th card: 90-105;
...and so on...
Every week, we’ll remint all cards (you keep everything you’ve bought before) and update their frames and stats. If you found a potential superstar on Farcaster that has been very active this week, but his current card sucks, go all in for it. Let’s say you had a card with a gold frame (just an example). And imagine this user cast and got fewer reactions than the last week. We’ll update his frame to worse (downgrade). What can you expect here? Of course, sell pressure. There is also a reverse case when we will upgrade a card. What’ll happen in that case? The price will potentially go up. Does it make sense to keep that card in the team? Maybe you’ll get even more by selling a card? Think about it.

You have a superstar team, which costs a lot and performs very nicely. Does it make sense to keep these cards for the next epoch? Nobody knows. Do you wanna sell them but are afraid of being removed from the leaderboard and the reward distribution? Who said that you should keep these cards all the time? 10 minutes left before the end of the epoch? Sell it! And buy some cheap cards to replace them just to remain in the leaderboard.

We wanted to give you a few hints just you could understand how everything works. Uncuts is a skill-based game, you should DYOR, act fast and think about your next steps.