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Why pay to post?

an experiment of the /anime-manga channel

Inspired by /memes and a Farcaster challenge to create self rewarding community of great content, I've decided to lean into channel changes and experiment with /anime-manga.

subscribe to cast in /anime-manga

  • ~1.00 per month/.00026 ETH

  • 5% subscriber rewards

  • 5 % referral rewards

  • 70 % of subscription revenue tipped to top casters via community wallet (anime-manga.eth)

Eventually, when the community wallet is a bit larger, we will move to auto tipping of top casts using, where only likes from hypersub subscribers will count. Until then, I will be tipping manually to encourage quality posting and great content.

Anyone can post to the channel's recent tab, but only subscribers will be featured on the Main tab and be eligible for tips in Degen and Ham.

I'm hoping you will join me in this experiment and help build a sustainable channel that rewards engaging content and in our own little cozy corner of Farcaster.

Feedback and questions are appreciated!

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