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Brace yourselves Farcasters, Ham is here! You now see 🍖 emojis flood your comments the same way you’ve seen $DEGEN tips in replies.
The /LP channel is tipping their hat to the degen community by introducing their own tipping mechanism that can be used Farcaster wide.
Ham, not Spam
Earning Ham can only happen in one place on Farcaster and that’s in the LP channel. Ham is based on community points which are awarded solely on your contribution to the channel. Unlike $DEGEN tips, it’s not based on your overall Farcaster engagement, comments, casts, etc. and cannot be earned anywhere else. It’s awesome to share the love and tell people about the project, but please check channel norms and culture before posting elesewhere. You won’t earn community points by casting to other channels.
In order to receive a daily allocation of Ham to give away you will need to hold at least 100,000 $TN100x or 1 Based LP NFT in a Warpcast connected wallet. Ensure you've linked a wallet by going to settings in the Warpcast app.
To be eligible to post in the /lp channel on Warpcast and earn community points you are required to have a powerbadge OR hold 100,000 $TN100x OR hold 1 Based LP NFT. To post images or other embedded content you must hold at least 250,000 $TN100x OR 1 Based LP NFT regardless of powerbadge status.
To see your community points eligibility and daily ham tip allowances, go to:
Click on the “hamburger” menu (plus 5 cool points for it being a literal hamburger!) and select “Leaderboard”.
You’ll then see your points and your allowance. For those of us bad at math, the website updates every few hours to help track your tips.
Tips reset ~ 9:45 PM PST
This is the same mechanism as $DEGEN tips. You can’t keep them for yourself, you should give them away. They reset daily. You should try to get to zero.
If you’ve tipped $DEGEN before, you’ll be right at home. The syntax for tipping ham is simple, just reply to a cast with the literal ham emoji 🍖. You can tip ham ANYWHERE on Farcaster. While earning ham is restricted to the LP channel, tipping is good everywhere, so freely tip any cast that tickles your fancy.
Each ham represents 10 Points and there are some multiplier tricks to help you tip more.
To tip 50 ham, use 🍖 x 5 or 🍖x5
To tip 1,000 ham, use 🍖 x 100 or 🍖x100
You can tip both $DEGEN and Ham 🍖 in the same cast. People also really love if you explain why you are tipping and that's okay to add too.
One day, in the not so distant future, ham will become TN100x tokens. Just as $DEGEN tips became $DEGEN tokens, the ham you accumulate has actual value. While we don’t know the exact date the tipping is over nor the conversion rate of ham to tokens, we know that it will happen.
Yazar: Chloroflexi
Topluluk Puanları, $TN100x airdrop uygunluğunuzun bir kısmını ve günlük 🍖 Ham bahşiş miktarınızı belirler. Warpcast'teki /lp kanalının anlık görüntüleri günlük olarak alınır ve puanlarınız bu kanala yaptığınız katkılara göre hesaplanır.
Bahşiş vermek için tek yapmanız gereken beğendiğiniz bir mesaja Ham emojisi ile yorum yapmak 🍖!
Her bir Ham emojisi 10 puan değerindedir. Sayı olarak daha fazla Ham bağışlamak istiyorsanız x 10 ve ya x 15 (boşluk bırakarak) yazabilirsiniz.
Başkalarından Ham istemek ve ya karşılıklı olarak Ham istemek ban sebebidir ve puanlarınızın silinmesine neden olabilir.
Scrittore: Mrcryptopoly
I Community Point determinano una parte della tua eleggibilità all'airdrop di $TN100x. I tuoi punti, inoltre, determinano l'allocazione giornaliera delle tue tip 🍖 Ham. Uno snapshot del canale /lp viene fatto quotidianamente e i tuoi punti calcolati in base al tuo contributo al canale.
Come faccio a tippare Ham?
Le tip Ham ti danno la possibilità di decidere chi riceverà ulteriori TN100x con il prossimo airdrop. Per farlo, ti basta commentare su Farcaster un cast di tuo gradimento con l'emoji Ham 🍖
Ogni emoji Ham vale 10 punti. Se preferisci usare un multiplo, puoi fare 🍖 x 10 o qualcosa del genere. Dai un'occhiata agli esempi a seguire.
🍖 = 10 punti
🍖🍖 = 20 punti
🍖🍖🍖 = 30 punti
🍖 x 10 = 100 punti
Chiedere Ham ad altri o richiederne in cambio è vietato e potrebbe causare la perdita dei tuoi punti.
Scrittore: rocci
Il sistema di punti della comunità LP determina l'assegnazione di $TN100x e le mance giornaliere 🍖.
Puoi usare le mance 🍖 per ricompensare i contributi degli altri membri della comunità.
Per dare suggerimenti, basta rispondere a un messaggio con l'emoji del prosciutto 🍖. Ogni emoji del prosciutto equivale a 10 punti. Se si vogliono dare più Ham contemporaneamente, si può mettere "x10" o "x20" dopo l'emoji Ham, ad esempio. Un esempio: "🍖x15" (senza virgolette).
Richiedere Ham ad altri o richiedere Ham l'uno all'altro può portare alla squalifica dal sistema di punti della comunità ed è visto come spam; i membri della comunità sono incoraggiati a creare post di alta qualità e a guadagnarsi la loro fetta di 🍖 😉.
È possibile assegnare solo una certa quantità di 🍖 al giorno, che viene ripristinata il giorno successivo, praticamente in concomitanza con l'istantanea del canale /lp su Warpcast.
È possibile visualizzare l'importo giornaliero disponibile e il calcolo dei punti comunità al seguente link:
Écrivain: Darph
Les Points de Communauté déterminent une part de ton éligibilité pour l'airdrop de $TN100x. Tes points déterminent aussi l'allocation journalière de tes tip 🍖 Ham. Une instantanée du canal /lp sur Warpcast est prise chaque jour et tes points sont calculés sur la base de tes contributions sur ce canal.
Comment tipper en Ham?
Tipper Ham te permets de déterminer qui reçoit des TN100x additionnel pendant le prochain airdrop. Pour tipper tout ce que tu dois faire est de commenter sur un cast sur Farcaster que tu as aimé aver un emoji Ham 🍖
Chaque emoji Ham vaut 10 points. Pour appliquer un multiplicateur, par contre, tu peux utiliser 🍖 x 10 ou une forme similaire. Voir ci dessous pour des exemples.
🍖 = 10 points
🍖🍖 = 20 points
🍖🍖🍖 = 30 points
🍖 x 10 = 100 points
Penulis: Leifa
Bagaimana cara memberi tips Hams?
Tips Ham memungkinkan mu menentukan siapa yang menerima TN100x tambahan pada airdop berikutnya . Untuk memberi tips, yang perlu kamu lakukan adalah memberi komentar pada siaran atau cast dalam Farcaster yang Anda sukai dengan emoji Ham 🍖
Setiap emoji Ham bernilai 10 poin. Jika Anda ingin menggunakan pengganda, Anda dapat melakukan 🍖 x 10 atau yang serupa. Lihat contoh di bawah:
🍖 = 10 poin
🍖🍖 = 20 poin
🍖🍖🍖 = 30 poin
🍖 x 10 = 100 poin
Penulis: 0u0
Poin Komunitas menentukan sebagian dari kelayakan airdrop $TN100x Anda. Poin Anda juga menentukan alokasi tip 🍖 Ham harian Anda. Snapshot saluran /lp di Warpcast diambil setiap hari dan poin Anda dihitung berdasarkan kontribusi Anda ke saluran tersebut.
Bagaimana cara mendapatkan ham ?
Anda dapat memberikan tip Ham untuk menentukan siapa yang akan menerima TN100x tambahan selama airdrop berikutnya. Untuk memberikan tip, Anda hanya perlu memberi komentar pada Farcaster cast yang Anda sukai dengan emoji Ham 🍖
Setiap emoji Ham bernilai 10 poin. Jika Anda ingin menggunakan pengganda, Anda dapat menggunakan 🍖 x 10 atau yang serupa. Lihat contoh di bawah ini:
🍖 = 10 poin
🍖🍖 = 20 poin
🍖🍖🍖 = 30 poin
🍖 x 10 = 100 poin
Автор: Alika
LP-система баллов определяет ваше распределение Airdrop в размере $TN100x, а также ваши ежедневные чаевые.
Вы можете использовать эти чаевые, чтобы вознаграждать сообщение/пост других участников. Чтобы дать чаевые, просто реагируйте на сообщение/ посты с Emoji в виде ветчины 🍖.
Каждое такое Emoji ветчины равен 10 баллам. Если вы хотите дать несколько Emoj ветчины сразу, вы можете, например, добавить "🍖 x10" или "🍖 x20" после Emoji ветчины.
Запрос ветчины у других или взаимный запрос ветчины может привести к дисквалификации в системе баллов сообщества и рассматривается как спам.
Ты можешь ежедневно выделять только определенное количество 🍖. Это количество сбрасывается на следующий день, практически одновременно с моментом снимка канала /lp на Warpcast.
Ты можешь просмотреть ежедневную доступную сумму и учет твоих баллов сообщества вот здесь:
Autor: pudgypenguin
Das LP Community-Punktesystem bestimmt über deine $TN100x Airdrop Allokation, sowie über deine täglichen 🍖 Trinkgelder.
Die 🍖 Trinkgelder kannst du Nutzen, um Beiträge von anderen Communitymitgliedern zu belohnen.
Um Trinkgelder zu geben, reagiere einfach mit dem Ham-Emoji 🍖 auf eine Nachricht. Jedes Ham-Emoji entspricht 10 Punkten. Wenn du mehrere Hams auf einmal geben möchtest, kannst du zum Beispiel "x10" oder "x20" hinter das Ham-Emoji setzen. Ein Beispiel: "🍖x15" (ohne Anführungszeichen).
Das Anfordern von Ham von Anderen oder das gegenseitige Anfordern von Ham kann zur Disqualifikation am Community-Punktesystem führen und wird als Spam gesehen, man fordert die Communitymitglieder auf, qualitativ hochwertige Beiträge zu erstellen und sich so sein Stück 🍖 auch gebührend zu verdienen 😉.
Du kannst Täglich nur eine gewissen Betrag 🍖 vergeben, dieser Betrag wird dann am nächsten Tag zurückgesetzt, quasi zeitgleich zum Kanal-Snapshot des /lp Kanals auf Warpcast.
Deinen täglich zur Verfügung stehenden Betrag und die Verrechnung deiner Communitypunkte kannst du unter folgenden Link einsehen:
Created by Deployer, The LP and The Based LP are experiments playing out on Farcaster in real time and ham tipping is the next evolution of the project.
The mechanics, minting mechanisms, tokens, etc. are outside of the scope of this article, but links to the website which explain all the details are below.
For more background on the original project, please go to While this phase of the project is over, it planted the seeds for the next iteration.
The “glow up” of the original “OG LP” was the Based LP
Still have questions? Deployer wrote an in-depth piece about the projects right here on Paragraph. You should definitely follow him, the LP channel, and watch what he builds next!
This piece is apt. You are a gem . Just when I needed more info on ham. So I only earn points in the lp community only. But free to use ham anywhere on farcaster
It’s Friday, this cool Margarita maker qualifies as food! Happy Friday!! 🫡🎉
happy friday I was surprised by the amazing huge machine.😀 It's morning in Japan, After I woke up, I looked into it again and found some information, so I'll share it with. TGIF💜
Thank you! 5 $degen
Happy Friday boss
200 $degen
Thank you 50 $degen
Happy Friyay friend! 5 $degen
Thank you! 5 $degen
I just subscribed to @pichi on /paragraph! Check it out:
I was operating under the assumption that one ham emoji was equal to 10 hams - did that used to be true and no longer is? Or did I misunderstand things? If anyone got like 20 hams from me recently please know I was trying to give you 200 🤣🤦🏼♀️
I thought that was the case I’ve been using 🍖 x 3
Right! And we're you intending to tip 30 or 3 when you did that?
30 Is that not what’s happening?
I dunno! Tipbot told me I tipped (as an example) 10 instead of 100. I just want to make sure I'm spreading all of my ham around!
I just subscribed to @pichi on /paragraph! Check it out:
Thanks dude ❤️
Studied , tnx Rebin
🫶🏻 I think this article can help people want to know reasons how to join airdrop ham🍖 Source : @pichi on by @paragraph
Thank you.🍖
My Pleasure 🍖 x 50
🍖 x 300 Tips