Share by @Scott_eth - currently in private beta but a new social app that adds contextualization to onchain actions. Allows users to share their onchain actions and add commentary to their action. Lots of onchain action platforms but Share adds more of a social element and reads like a social media app rather than a block explorer.
Higher Notes by Sean - the higher community continues to generate higher themed apps. The latest is a effectively a iphone notes fork. I've been using it for all my higher related thoughts and motivations.
Spinamp - not a new app, but find myself using it more lately as more musicians put music onchain and the quality is improving. Find new minted music, create playlists, follow artists to get notified for new releases etc. This set by Daniel Allan is on repeat at the moment.
Prophecy Market by @codybrown - if this than that (IFTTT) markets for anything onchain. Cody has a great writeup on his project here. Put skin in the game for future predictions that automatically get executed when an event occurs. They are currently doing one experiment at a time. The first was around the SpaceX launch.

Stretch15 - I've been trying to stretch more and this is a free and simple app that reminds you to stretch everyday and gives you clear instructions and exercises. You can upgrade for a more specific needs and targeted areas.