cornea chronicles

life with post lasik ectasia

i’ve been wearing glasses since surgery last september, and every time i take them off when i'm using my laptop or anytime really, it makes me realise how much difficult I made life for myself for nearly two years (left eye's cornea was progressively deforming) because i did not have it in me to get help and face the reality that i'll need surgery again. all the art I created in 2022-2023 was despite me only having one semi-functional cornea. today, when I think about what I went through on a daily basis, i can’t help but grieve for my past self. at the same time i'm also relieved that this time last year i finally told my parents i can't see well at all and i may need surgery to stop left eye's cornea from getting worse. I have a friend to thank for getting me to that mind set where I finally asked for help, and i'm grateful for him every single day. send him some good juju if you're still reading this.

for those of you who are reading about this part of my life for the first time, if you're curious what's up here is the tweet where i shared about what happened a long time ago.

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#cornea chronicles#post lasik ectasia