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Weekly DAO Thoughts #10

To cross the chasm, we need to lead with compelling apps that solve problems first and act crypto second.

Weekly DAO Thoughts with Push

GM Builders,

This one's even shorter and sweeter.

As Devcon and the bull market continue to catch fire , I've been noticing an uptick in discourse surrounding where we, as builders, should place more of our focus.

My answer is simple and two-fold.

Let's finally agree to support more genuine apps. In doing so, we won't be quitting on other niches such as infra. We'll be finally building bridges strong enough to kickstart and sustain our journey across the chasm.

Before we get there, though, we have to double-down on supporting the development and scaling of apps, both in a monetary sense and otherwise. Yes, that means more app-focused programming at conferences. That also means agreeing that what we have right now are a bunch of attractive, yet sparsely populated cities that need to be populated to grow.

In other words, we've made great progress, but even in this bull market, it's evident that we need far more users. Let's start with incentivizing the sort of apps that are hyper-targeted to get us there. Let's agree on what those are, on what consumer crypto means.

To me, "consumer crypto," is somewhat of a loaded term now.

What we should focus on, above it all, is creating apps that fulfill a true need of a meaningful part of the global population, using the wonderfully unique benefits that we, as an industry, have to offer.

Intuitive on the front-end.

Crypto on the back-end.

I'm not saying we do away with more technically-focused apps. They have a place and always will. I am saying that to hit widespread adoption, we need to actually double-down on making people's lives easier in some way with a much larger subset of what we're building.

As one of my dear friends in this industry once said, "people don't want to have to think. They want to log-on and do what they need to or want to do, as easily as possible."

Let's start there.

What's next?

In honor of Devcon, I shifted a different topic forward because I think it's that much of a priority for all of us to continue to work on. Next time, we'll dig even further into how to craft proposals for DAOs that balance being results(KPI/OKR-driven) and pushing the boundaries of innovation.

Until then, thanks for reading!

Be on the lookout for a potential bonus post this week and the launch of our podcast this month! Follow us on Twitter for that announcement and if you believe in a future driven by DAOified apps and want to build something to help us achieve that, say hi in our forum!

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Weekly DAO Thoughts #10