First of all, I know probably as much about the still quite mysterious Power Badge system as you do. These are solely my views and ideas on how I think the system works, combined with the official facts as stated in the Warpcast Power Badge Notion.
Let’s start by clarifying what the Power Badge, often called the Power User Badge, actually is, with a short synopsis from the official Warpcast Power Badge Notion.
The Power Badge on Warpcast is awarded to users who are active, interesting, and non-spammy. Holders of the badge receive a visible profile badge, higher search ranking, access to restricted channels, and increased recommendations. The badge selection is based on activity, affinity with power users, and low spam labeling.
From this official statement, we get three major parameters that determine how Power Badges are distributed among Warpcast users:
So, let’s break it down.
Can we say the more active you are, the more likely you are to receive a Power Badge? Or the more Power Badge Users you have among your followers, the more likely it is to become one yourself?
Yes and no, because none of these parameters is a stand-alone factor. You could be extremely active on Warpcast but labeled spammy, or have a large following including Power Badge Users but rarely get positively interacted with.
These parameters are likely interdependent and probably have dynamic weighting towards each other, depending on other dynamic factors like overall user base (DAU), user engagement, and interaction.
Especially labeling seems to be of high importance here. This is done via machine learning and manual systems, as well as minor human intervention by users (e.g., report spam).
So what does that mean for your approach to becoming a Power Badge User?
Contrary to the feeling that you may see Power Badges everywhere but on your own profile, they are quite rare.
As of today, the data, which can be accessed by developers via an API, shows that there are ~4300 Power Badges awarded among all Warpcast users.
The list was recently published by beachcrypto on Warpcast, and you can find it on his profile.
While the data shows that around 50% of the Power Badges are awarded to FIDs < 25000, it also shows recent scaling from a lot fewer badges just a couple of weeks ago.
So it isn’t impossible, although rare, for relatively new Warpcast users to obtain the Power Badge within a short period of time. In this case, quality > just being early.
But how do you make it in the Power Badge world?
Referencing the above and officially stated factors, here’s how to improve your chances of receiving a Power Badge, along with my own views on the approach and what to avoid.
Find your people, your niche, the topics, and channels that interest you.
Cast as often as you feel comfortable and have something to contribute, but not just to cast a certain number of times.
Remember, quality > quantity.
Be engaging and approachable.
Start conversations.
Be authentic, especially with the connections you make.
Contribute to the community with good and interesting content on a broad spectrum (different channels).
Contribute to channels that interest you because you are likely to cast better content if the topic is something you can relate to or have an interest in.
Good content doesn’t only mean high-profile tech or other topic discussions.
Engaging quality content can be about a broad range of topics. It’s more about the "how" than the "what."
Have fun but avoid excessive use of spammy mechanics (e.g., cannons, giveaways).
This last point is quite important, especially for newer users trying to obtain the Power Badge. Although these mechanics can be quite engaging, they are probably more likely to be flagged as spam by the machine learning systems because they don’t really contribute anything qualitatively substantial.
I can hear your thoughts: "But what about all these big accounts with Power Badges dropping cannon after cannon on their feed and giveaways in between?"
Well, no system is perfect, and what works for them doesn’t necessarily work for you. Their social graph (or any other internal ranking that Warpcast may use) is likely much better than yours. So any negative engagement on their part that may be deemed spammy by the algorithm can be balanced out a lot easier and is much more likely to receive at least a certain amount of positive engagement from other higher-ranked profiles. In addition, high-profile users may also be able to turn negative engagement into positive engagement, similar to "there is no bad press or publicity." But what works for brands and celebrities doesn’t usually work for the average person.
So if you build your account and Warpcast presence heavily around this content and these mechanics, it may not be the right path to obtaining a Power Badge.
❗There is no official statement on the weighting or possible quality "flagging" of content or Warpcast channels.
(Or how well are you and your content received by other Power Badge users)
This obviously goes hand in hand with activity and quality and doesn’t mean that you should only interact with Power Badge users to receive positively valued engagement. If you sincerely interact with users and contribute to the community, you are likely to be recognized. Sometimes not directly, but a like, recast, or quote of your maybe funny, clever, or even controversial cast (reply or OC) holds weight and will be more positively received by Power Badge users than you dropping a "done" reply on a cannon.
No one knows for sure how it works, but here are some things to consider and possibly avoid:
Avoid spammy content as described above.
Don’t be overly repetitive with your content.
Variety and originality of casts are key.
Try to have at least a small spectrum of channels you cast in.
If you flock to only one or two channels, your visibility suffers, especially with the new channel changes and a flood of casts coming in.
In summary, the Power Badge on Warpcast is a symbol of active, engaging, and high-quality participation in the community. While obtaining and keeping one can seem challenging, focusing on genuine activity, creating quality content, and building meaningful interactions can significantly increase your chances.
Stay active, but prioritize quality over quantity.
Engage authentically with the community and contribute valuable content.
Avoid spammy and repetitive behavior.
Achieving a Power Badge is not just about meeting criteria but about enriching the Warpcast community. By focusing on these principles, you not only enhance your chances of earning a badge but also help create a more vibrant and engaging platform for everyone.
Keep casting, stay authentic, and good luck on your journey to becoming a Power Badge user!
➡️ Part 2 To Have or Not to Have the Power Badge
➡️ Part 3 Balancing The Power Badge
Over 100 subscribers
If you guys want a Power Badge, you should read this series of articles by @ryya carefully, the analysis is so great 👍 Great work ma'am!
Need to reclaim mine. Ty!
I know you will reclaim it soon, 100 $DEGEN for u today
Gw merekomendasikan kepada kalian untuk membaca artikel yang dibuat oleh @ryya. Dia menjelaskan bagaimana cara untuk mendapatkan Power Badge. Jadi gw rasa ini sangat berguna bagi kita untuk meningkatkan akun kita.
Curious about how the Warpcast Power Badge system works? @ryya dives into the details, breaking down the key factors: activity, quality, and labeling. Learn how to boost your chances of earning this elusive badge by contributing valuable content and engaging genuinely with the community. Check it out!