Zora Leaderboard - False Positives

more accurate tracking of creator revenue

Creators are earning $2M/month in protocol fees. This does not include pricing/ERC 20 tokens earned. It does, however include false positives where I am tracking fees, earned by Zora for create & mint referrals, which should be included in Zora revenue rather than creator revenue. Better tracking will help expose the money on the table for platforms who can take those create & mint fees from Zora. What's the best way to display these fees in the leaderboard UI?

30D Rewards on Zora Protocol across all supported chains

First, I'd like to create a new repo for Onchain Magic APIs. The first end point will be /api/zora/feeRecipients. This will return an array of known addresses, owned by Zora. I can then use this API within the Leaderboard to migrate fees earned by this list of addresses, to the Zora category rather than the creators category. Then, creator revenue is showing revenue paid to non-Zora wallets. However, simply lumping those revenues into the Zora category may be misleading. How should we best display these filtered rewards to show builders the opportunity they have to eat Zora's lunch?

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