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shocking revelations from Brussels

We'd rather walk on broken glass than go to the satellite of the satellite

Steering away from the satellite of the satellite and recaps of the recaps of recaps and letting you know that during ETHcc, I did something crazy: I went to a museum.

I went to a museum because I always go to museums, because I wanted to see Jana Euler’s Wiels show and because I convinced Emily and Sarah to come with me. I spend way too much time online and reading up on the latest research, I reflect too much about our decentralized world. It was time to just go to a museum. 

No worries, I’m not only a snob. I am also a grateful snob: while I did love the cultural escape, we did 100% do ETHcc, and did it extremely well, all thanks to the people that showed up for Lens + Aave (and Family!). I don’t want to brag, but I’ll have to: we did have the absolute best events of the week. afk was a banger. Open Finance Day was really fun. Latashá (our special guest and honorary team member)  Latashád so hard and so good. And rAAVE was something else. 

thank you Quadrillions for this rAAVE image and for coming to say hi :)

Anyways, in a few hours I'll be giving a recap on the Internet Explorers podcast - but I wanted to let you know that sometimes, it’s totally fine to go to a museum. 

Before Internet Explorers and especially, before I enter a weekend of staring at a wall without uttering a single word, here’s some art, good vibes, and good reads I’ve been collecting throughout the week (mostly during Uber rides).


mifella x mifella


the Triangle of Sande (dad joke sorry)

Big Lens Energy 

This is unusual for Touch Grass, but this week has been big for Lens announcements, so here they all are:

Kay’s Corner 

  • Mamimozi just started posting on Lens, she is a talented Japanese calligraphy artist and performer so join me in looking forward to her content on Lens!

  • Selene has been sharing her beautiful digital 2D and 3D artwork on Lens which are often available as limited editions, her latest digital drawing done in Procreate is breathtaking!


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