Can I catch a
sunray in a
hailstone and will
the arc now be
a hailbow
in this transition to fall?
Suddenly, the rain came. As can be expected in September in these parts of Europe. However, the hailstones were a surprise so early, while we are slowly transitioning from summer to autumn. I had not expected that, especially not combined with a very bright sun, sending her rays underneath the clouds. She is lower in the sky these days.
Apparently, my daughter was also surprised. She was playing in the garden with a friend. "It's literally raining ice, dad!" It was. Briefly, only.
The clouds drifted away, the tiny ice balls melted. But the moment was captured, the sunray caught. In a poem.
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Poésie de la vie
An autumn bike ride seemed like a good illustration of the poetry in life for this issue. Then I remembered that almost 14 years ago, on 10 October 2010, I did a 10 kilometer bike ride to raise money for charity. It was supposed to be a run, but I was recovering from a torn ACL, and running was not an option. I had organised this run also the year before, for my colleagues in a global company. We ran a 10K distance on the same day all over the world to raise money for girls education in India. And now, we were doing it again. Well, did an autumn bike ride. In Riga, Latvia.