This week the stage of your weekly poetry shot is for Gomp_art. Gomp is a poet and photographer who has been creating mostly on Tezos. The poem Somersaults, embedded above, is his first on Base and with it, he became the inaugural grantee of the trpplffct poetry grant fund.
As he told us in an interview last year, he's "an artist and educator in Cape Cod (Massachusetts, USA) who crafts NFTs from my poetry and photography."
His nom-de-plume Gomp "comes from Gomphotherium, an extinct genus of elephant that I read about right when I was starting my deep dive into art on the blockchain."
When asked what poetry means to him, he said: "I don't know if I can define it. Words that solicit emotion? Crafted language play? Phrases of sentimental bloodletting? Episodes of catharsis? I thought of this the other day: Graffiti of the heart upon the edifice of the mind.
Poetry is something like that."
And about why poets should start minting their work onchain, as NFTs, he said: "Jump in. We need your voice."
You can read the full interview here.
The poem Sommersaults can be collected here: can now support this inbox poetry magazine via Hypersub. Get the weekly poetry shot poems and other poetry NFTs airdropped, enter a monthly poetry postcard raffle and join the Trpplr chat for creative confidence building.
Poésie de la vie
I'm always impressed by visual artists. And when you see their process videos, it always seems so easy. Until you do it yourself. So, just enjoy the creation of this elephant:
In the past few months, I have created a grant fund for onchain poetry. Through degen tips, donations and mint-fee splits - from myself and many others - I have almost enough to do a monthly grant round of an equivalent of 100 USDC. Initially, I wanted to award the grants based on selection, nomination and voting, but I have struggled to make that a reality. I have awarded one grant so far, am now working on the second. However, I will be pivoting in the next month to do the awarding via Rounds. The first grantee can be found here: #retropgf
Nice, arjan. Rounds should help you with admin etc and help consistency.
Thanks, Brad. I hope so. But the biggest challenge I run into is lowering the threshhold for participation.
ah, I wonder if rounds could be a help maybe casting about it (at least as youre new) or others who are fans of rounds. Maybe brings credibility. But I get it poetry is a hard one—more niche. I wonder if you could help people who are open but havent done it—kind of a write your first poem round. Just thinking out loud to try to help.
It's more about the attitude of the poets. I did something in April with Degen tips, and got a lot of tiphunters/farmes to play. That's not the intention. I want poets to participate. Or emerging poets. But they can be very introverted when it comes to things like this. So, getting them to participate is the biggest challenge.
Also is there any opportunity with higher and the highku? Seems like their should be some connection there. Round for Higher folks to write a highku.
That might be a special project. Would love to do something like that.
love your efforts to add more poetry on the timeline!
🙌🙌🙌 1111 $degen
Awesome keep going fam!🌹 All support💜
Thanks Abbas! Much appreciated.
My honor. 🎩🌹
encourage you 1000% in this grant, Arjan!! such a good initiative ❤️🔥
Thank you so much, Benna!
You know I love this initiative and I am in full support. Let's go
Let's go!
How can i participate in the next round ?
Let's do this.
so honored and grateful to you, arjan, and for the love i've gotten from the community. it's been a bright spot in my difficult year. thank you!
This month, I (finally) announced the first grantee of the @trpplffct poetry grant. Read all about it in my newsletter:
Thank you for the info👍
This week I built the next phase of the @trpplffct poetry grant fund by selecting the first grantee, publishing his poetry in my newsletter and, sending him the grant.
👏🏾 Based
this is amazing, Arjan!! 400 $DEGEN
Thank you dear friend. Means a lot coming from you.