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Changing city

We're looking at changing cities in this issue #217 of your weekly poetry shot

The view from
this eigth storey room shows
the city has changed over the years:
church spires no longer the
highest points.

Cities are always in motion, change is the constant. You can feel it when you walk or bike through the streets. Neighbourhoods changing, shops and restaurants changing. That old swimming pool that's now a theatre.

But when you go a bit higher up, especially in the mainly low-rise European cities, the change is very visible in the skyline. Some people are saddened by a view like that. Not me. I like change. Change gives us the opportunity to learn from yesterday and build a better tomorrow.

And sometimes you can learn from the change as well. There's a lesson in the story of a big music hall that was built in the center of this town recently. It's right next to the white city hall. It was quite an expensive project, and the building looks beautiful. To prevent noise pollution outside the building, the main hall is built on some sort of springs. Unfortunately, they don't work. So now they have to reconstruct that, and that's a very expensive project. Fortunately for other music halls to be built, the lessons are learnt here and now.

The poem above is a tritriplicata poem, a form I created to have an even more personal touch to my poetry.

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Poésie de la vie

I really love this story about story telling. Where in your city/area should people get better access to books?

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