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Childhood car dream

We take a walk in a forest in issue #222 of your weekly poetry shot

the automobiles made
of felled trees? Those are no longer there,
what remains are weekend

On Sundays we went for walks. Around the city where I grew up, there were plenty places to go and do that. One I especially remember fondly, because there used to be a playground with cars made from big tree trunks. Front and back seats were simple cut outs from the trunks, a red-painted metal ring as steering wheel and tree trunk discs as wheels. Vrooommm!

Later in life I once went there with some friends at night to see the Perseid meteor shower. It was overcast, so all we saw were clouds. Fortunately, we brought some drinks.

The cars are gone, now, but the forest is still there. And people still go here for Sunday walks.

Did you go on walks when you were growing up? Or do you go now? Share your favorite place to wander around on a free day in the comments.

The poem above is a tritriplicata, a form I created myself. And the header image is an AI regeneration of the wooden cars. It actually looks not far from how those cars looked to me when I was a kid.

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Poésie de la vie

Here's a glimpse of the forest that inspired the poem above.

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