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What is Two Dozen?

An evolving experiment

Two Dozen is a concept I've thought about for some time now that started around the idea that two dozen or less as a constraint for social gatherings and groups of people. The idea was that social gatherings are more rich and fruitful with groups of 24 people or less. Why 24? It's highly divisible and 24 is a large enough number to welcome a lot of diversity in thoughts, backgrounds, taste, skillsets, etc. Plus 24 is always a number I've liked.

Now this is just the origins of Two Dozen but it doesn't encapsulate all that I've come to associate with Two Dozen. In an effort to spur action, I'm putting my thoughts out into the world which I think may help refine them and clarify what Two Dozen is exactly.

So what is Two Dozen?

It's an experiment. It's a fluid work in progress. It's the beginning of a story. It will change over time and that's the point. It's evolving and iterative.

Importantly, it has constraints. The original idea of Two Dozen is really a creative constraint. I believe that constraints make things more fun and interesting while helping spur creativity.

Two Dozen will be where I share my thoughts and perspectives. I'll also try some of my own onchain experiments and test out new onchain stuff. Some may work. Many will not.

I hope that some of you will follow along and join the experiment.

I'm not making any promises other than we're going to be active in the playground, on the blockchain and across the world.

Stay curious.



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