Hybrid Mythosyntax by iofeye

JUNE 20TH, 2022

5 Artists From the UNDRGRND Collection 

UNDRGRND DIGS is a periodical feature showcasing artists that the UNDRGRND curators dig. We sift through the social media and NFT platforms to find the best artists waiting to be discovered. UNDRGRND believes in the artists we feature and we will purchase NFTs from each artist featured. Purchases will be airdropped to reward UNDRGRND community members.

View the Tezos UNDRGRND Collection

Life, drawing.

Life, drawing.





Can't, won't.

Can't, won't.



Work the Angles

Work the Angles

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Crisis infuses ink drawings with old TV reception static, bringing them to life on the blockchain. Crisis uses minimal color in each of these drawings, such as Life, drawing. where the only color is the perfectly shaded hand drawing the actual picture. It reminds us that these jpegs we’ve taken for granted for years devaluing the creative process because behind each image is an artist bringing to life their imagination. In Focal Point, Crisis draws the eye to the center using simple blue and red to give the impression that two separate pieces of the drawing are together in form. The descriptions for most of Crisis’s work reads “ink on paper on internet” which may be the most perfectly simplistic description for any art in NFTs.

Saturday Night

Saturday Night

I am The Danger

I am The Danger

The Tech Guy

The Tech Guy

Am I Sporty Enough?

Am I Sporty Enough?



I'm Ready for Comic Con

I'm Ready for Comic Con

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There are enough 90s alternative music easter eggs in StaySober’s work to enthrall any Gen-Xer. Music heavily influences StaySober’s work with references to bands like Sonic Youth, Black Flag, The Smiths and The Misfits, and a Gibson Flying V guitar in every illustration. Each illustration contains the main character with a general theme. In Saturday Night, the description reads, “Ready for the next heartbreak.” With a bouquet, an ugly emo haircut, a Weezer sweater and the movie poster for Frank (a movie about a lead singer of a band who hides his appearance with a giant mask and writes incredible songs about an ex-girlfriend), the character is undoubtedly ready for heartbreak.







A Woman's Body is her Own

A Woman's Body is her Own

Don't Try Me

Don't Try Me

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Dehiscence uses a variety of styles to express their artistic ability. Dehiscence’s collages look like city walls layered with political posters, stickers and graffiti pasted over and over for years, telling the history of the block and the beliefs of those who lived there. We see the same urban style in Dehiscence’s f(x)hash project Modern Titans, where they combine Greek statues with graffiti. The AI art of Dehiscence from GANtoons, AI movie posters to the creepy Rebirth series all show the vast talent of this artist. With so many varying styles, there will be something for every collector to enjoy.

Spiral Encounters With the Self

Spiral Encounters With the Self

Decoding the languages of beasts

Decoding the languages of beasts

Morpheus' portals

Morpheus' portals

Diamond Heart Seeds

Diamond Heart Seeds

Signs out of time

Signs out of time

Worlds are born in silence

Worlds are born in silence

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Multimedia artist Iofeye combines multiple mediums in abstract pieces focused on elevating consciousness and self-actualization. These works could technically fall into the psychedelic category or art, but whether through meditation or enhanced by drug use is unclear, but the spiritual connection remains the same. This melding of styles is perfect for the subjects that Iofeye tackles. In Dreams become paper trails, Iofeye combines painting, drawing and digital illustration to create the light blending of dreams bleeding into each other and leaving us with only a feeling rather than specifics. The loop of images in What lies behind the masks? speaks to the complicated layering we all do when putting on various masks to make us more appealing to those we interact with, leaving us to wonder what lies beneath.

Bel Night Stand

Bel Night Stand

Suri Night Stand

Suri Night Stand

Bathroom Hymns II

Bathroom Hymns II

Good Morning

Good Morning

Love me here

Love me here

In Your Dreams - vol 3.

In Your Dreams - vol 3.

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Astr4Karm4 shows us what real love looks like in a pulp comic style. There is severe intimacy and character development in her "Night Stand" series, showing items that accumulate on different women's nightstand tables, giving the viewer a window into their lives. The relationships Astr4Karm4 focuses on all depict the love between two women. Not the love that males in various formats in media have portrayed, but rather true love and intimacy; real-world relationships, lived in and true: an embrace in the morning or a spontaneous kiss that leads to more physical love. And, as if subconsciously aware that there may be stereotypical males drawn to her art because of the sensuality, Astra4 created a publication titled "In Your Dreams" as if to say to every male, "you'll never be invited to this," further indicating that what she expresses is about true love and not just sexuality.

Each UNDRGRND DIGS will feature artists our curators have purchased for the UNDRGRND Collection. UNDRGRND will airdrop pieces from our collection to community members via giveaways.

Be sure to follow us on Twitter for more information: #UNDRGRND


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