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Untitled: Own the Day

A new SocialFi experiment that rewards and promotes quality content.

Welcome to Untitled, a unique SocialFi experiment designed to reward and amplify quality content. At Untitled, your earnings are directly tied to the impact of your ideas and contributions. The more engagement your post generates, the more you earn. But Untitled is more than just a platform for posting and earning. In the Untitled community, only those who are confident enough to invest in their opinions rise to prominence and earn.

How Untitled Works

  1. The Title Message:

    • Each cycle on Untitled begins with a ‘Title’ message. This message sets the day's theme and can cover diverse topics such as cryptocurrency, social issues, investment strategies, or personal opinions.

    • The Title message is auctioned via a 48-hour declining price Dutch auction. The winner of this auction gains the privilege of setting the day's theme and posting their content, initiating the community's engagement. 

    • This user is known as the Title Owner.

    • The Title Owner is also rewarded based on the cycle’s engagement.

  2. Engagement and Rewards:

    • Reply to the Title Message: When other users reply to the Title message, the Title Owner earns tokens for each reply. This incentivizes the Title Owner to create engaging and thought-provoking content.

    • Comment on Replies: Commenting on other users' replies earns the original commenter tokens.

    • Like Messages: When users like any message (Title message, reply, or comment), the author of the liked message earns tokens. This promotes the creation of high-quality content that resonates with the community.

  3. Cycle Renewal:

    • The cycle continues until a new Title is purchased, ending the current cycle. 

The Purpose of Token Rewards

  • Encouraging Quality Content: By rewarding users for engagement, Untitled encourages the creation of thoughtful, high-quality content that sparks meaningful discussions.

  • Promoting Active Participation: Users are incentivized to actively participate in the community by replying, commenting, and liking messages, as each action can lead to earning tokens.

  • Empowering Users: The auction system for the Title message empowers users to set the day's theme, giving them a significant role in guiding the community's discussions and engagement.

Apply now as an Untitled creator.

For Untitled's launch, we will select a few early adopters to post once for free on the platform as soon as it goes live. If you are chosen, you will earn tokens for that.

Please provide us with as many details as possible using this form here.

Incentivizing Meaningful Conversations

Untitled is committed to fostering meaningful engagement and quality content for the community. By prioritizing impactful ideas over superficial metrics, the platform ensures that users can express their thoughts freely and receive compensation for their valuable contributions. The Title message auction empowers users to set the day's theme, igniting engaging discussions within the community. It also allows Title owners to profit from their ideas.

Unlike traditional social media, Untitled offers a unique space where users can reach a wide audience and be financially and socially heard. By making digital interactions more meaningful and impactful, Untitled creates a space where your voice truly matters.

This space is yours; it’s Untitled.

About Untitled

Untitled is a new SocialFi economy and will go live within the next weeks.
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