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NFTFi Weekly #6

NFTfi Earn Season 1, Pawnfi Early Access, X2Y2Fi, and more

  • Tensor partnership with Dialect

Dialect is a Solana-based smart messaging protocol for dApp notifications and wallet-to-wallet chat.

By integrating Tensor as a NFT trading infrastructure, Dialect allows users to trade, negotiate, and bid directly in a seamless chat box.

  • NFTfi announced Earn Season 1

Following up on what we covered in NFTFi Weekly #5, NFTfi's Earn Season 1 will be open for at least 3 months. Rather than designing a mechanism to reward wash traders, airdrop farmers, and value extractors, borrowers and lenders will only receive Earn Points if they successfully repay the loan. For more information on the rules of Earn Season 1, please follow this link: https: blog nftfi-rewards-earn-season-one .

  • NFTperp announced Trading Competition Season 4

NFTPerp has come back with yet another season of their trading competition. The Trading Competition Season 4 began on May 12th.

In this competition, each trader is randomly assigned to one of five families. The goal is to defeat the other families and earn a boost in rewards on the family leaderboard. The top traders of each family will be rewarded based on their contribution.

For more details on prizes and trading rules, please visit https: @nftperp introducing-nftperp-odeshi-e0fc86b49eae.

  • Pawnfi is now open for Early Access.

Pawnfi is a lending and leasing protocol that provides liquidity and use cases for Non-Standard Assets (NSAs) such as NFTs, LP tokens, and tokenized rights. The product will be released in Q2 of 2023, but their early access version is now available for testing.

During this early access, users can trade, lend, earn, and receive Loyalty Points on Pawnfi. Users who want to participate can visit the official website for email registration and join the Discord community to receive more relevant information.

  • NFTfi Demo Day by Sharding Capital

On May 17th, Sharding Capital has hosted an NFTFi demo day online.

Projects featuring including:

If you want to learn more about these projects and the ideas they presented, you can follow this link to watch the full demo day: https: Show_ipJ434?t=290.

  • FloorDAO released V2 docs

FloorDAO v1 implemented a bonding mechanism where users contribute NFTX vault tokens, such as MAYC, PUNK, or WETH, to the FloorDAO treasury. In return, users receive $FLOOR tokens at a discounted price. As a result, the FloorDAO treasury acquired assets worth 9M.

FloorDAO version 2 will be launched with a new mechanism. In this version, $FLOOR token holders will lock their $FLOOR tokens and participate in Floor Wars. Holders can vote to use the weekly yield to sweep NFT collections or to buy back $FLOOR tokens in the market. For more information on this mechanism, please visit the following link: https: dao introduction.

  • Backed team introduced Adventure Papr

Papr is a peer-to-token NFT lending protocol. By using the idle token $PAPRmeme, which is an interest rate yield-bearing token, lenders and liquidity providers can gain exposure to up to 20 collections, while borrowers can get instant access to borrowing. is the easy way for users to interact with Papr. It provides a simple UI that helps users make a loan with simple steps.

  • Baton Finance launched NFT Yield Farming on Goerli testnet

Baton Finance plans to use Caviar and NFTX as liquidity layer for launching their NFT yield farming. Founders of any collection as well as users can provide NFT collections or ETH on Caviar, and further use NFTX to earn rewards.

To support users and receive feedback, the Baton team has also opened their Discord . Here's the link to their Discord: https: invite yh5nBCaSkN

  • INSRT Finance will open a fractional shards vault for Redacted Remilio Babies

On May 23rd, INSRT Finance will open a public vault for all users to purchase Redacted Remilio Babies shards. The vault will be capped at 400 shards. By owning vault shards, you can earn yield on them.

  • X2Y2 Fi has officially launched

X2Y2 Fi is a peer-to-peer NFT lending market built by the X2Y2 team. After 7 months of development, it achieved 45k ETH in total loan volume. Going forward, all lending, borrowing, and refinancing activities will take place on https: .

The X2Y2 team has also released X2Y2 Fi V3, which includes several improvements, such as gasless loan offer cancellation, optimized gas expenditure, and an auto-refinance feature.

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