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Bring The World Onchain with Base

My Top Ideas for Based Around The World

As Base runs regional buildathons across Africa, LATAM, India, and Southeast Asia, we’re witnessing an inspiring wave of registrations from builders across global majority markets. The ideas that will come out of Base’s buildathons will show the world how building onchain can address pressing issues in diverse communities.

At Onboard we believe that anyone, anywhere should be able to come onchain and that the onchain economy has the potential to make the lives of 3.5 billion people radically better. We know that talent is evenly distributed but opportunity is not and our mission is simple: to make sure the Onchain Economy that we are all co-creating on Base is useful and accessible to all, regardless of location or background.

The Prompt

The challenge is simple:

  1. Build an onchain app that solves a problem in your community.


  2. Use existing onchain tools to create real-world impact by bringing your community onchain.

Solving Problems with Onchain Solutions

The world faces countless challenges and I see this as opportunities to solve hard systemic problems with onchain technology. The rise of the onchain economy gives us a unique chance to tackle them in ways that are scalable, efficient, and accessible. Below, I outline some of my favourite ideas that I would love to see teams attempt to build and would love to support financially post the buildathon.

1. Onchain Digital Identity Passport

To bring the world onchain, we first need to verify people onchain. In countries like Nigeria (with NIN), India (with Aadhaar) or Kenya (with Huduma Namba), national identity systems are becoming digital. But how do we bring these IDs onchain?

A global KYC system that creates a soulbound passport using real-world national ID numbers. This passport is unique to each person and can be reissued if needed. A built-in digital locker would securely store and share relevant KYC details as required, giving individuals control over their data.

This would simplify identity verification, make financial services more accessible, and give people greater control over their information. It could be the foundation for bringing billions into the formal economy as they come onchain.

2. MicroCredit via ZK-Proof Bank Statements

Access to credit remains a major obstacle for individuals and small businesses, particularly in emerging markets where traditional collateral is often unavailable. Current DeFi lending models typically require collateral, leaving out those who need credit the most. Additionally, many credit-scoring fintechs silo users' data, keeping it inaccessible to the broader financial ecosystem.

A system where users can upload their bank statements or offchain transactional data using zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). This brings crucial financial data onchain, without exposing sensitive details. The onchain data can then be used to calculate an individual’s credit score and set credit limits based on their real-world financial behavior.

This system could enable uncollateralized lending by providing verifiable financial history, opening up accdess to credit for millions of entrepreneurs and individuals. By unlocking capital in underserved regions, it could drive economic growth and support more inclusive financial systems.

3. Onchain Credit Score Builder Loans

For many individuals, especially in developing economies, the lack of a credit history prevents them from accessing essential financial services like loans, mortgages, or even leasing agreements. Traditional credit scoring systems are often opaque and inaccessible, leaving millions without the ability to demonstrate financial responsibility.

An onchain credit score builder loan system, implemented as smart contracts. Users would deposit a small amount, say $100, into a smart contract. Over a set period (e.g., 12 months), they make monthly payments with interest (e.g., 8% APR). Successful repayments are automatically recorded onchain, building the user’s credit score in a transparent, verifiable way.

This system mimics traditional credit-building loans but with enhanced transparency and autonomy. Individuals and businesses can gradually access larger loans as they prove their financial reliability. Additionally, this system could be extended to allow participation from other traditional DeFi LPs and global developmental institutions, broadening the impact.

4. EduDAO with Blockchain-Verified SAT-like Exams

Access to higher education is limited for many talented students due to financial constraints and a lack of transparent, merit-based systems. Scholarship programs are often non-existent, and even if they could get access to credit repayment obligations can be overwhelming, especially when students have not yet started earning an income.

An Education Decentralized Autonomous Organization (EduDAO) that funds blockchain-verified SAT-like exams, ensuring transparent and tamper-proof results. Top-performing students receive scholarships through smart contracts, with repayment terms that only activate once they start earning an income.

The EduDAO would also be funded via an endowment-like treasury supported by donors, who would receive tax write-offs for their contributions. This treasury ensures the long-term sustainability of the scholarship fund, enabling the DAO to operate independently without relying on continuous outside funding. Over time, the endowment grows as students begin to payback, ensuring a steady stream of resources to support future students.

By linking repayment to post-graduation earnings and sustaining the DAO through a self-sustaining treasury model, this solution democratizes access to education for talented students from diverse backgrounds. It ensures that scholarships are awarded based on merit, while donors can support the cause in a tax-efficient manner. This model can revolutionize how scholarships are awarded and managed, creating a transparent, fair, and sustainable system for educational funding.

5. Universal Education Assistance Program

Many students, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, lack the financial support and incentives to excel academically. This often results in missed educational opportunities, reinforcing cycles of poverty.

A Universal Education Assistance Program that combines the principles of Universal Basic Income (UBI) with academic incentives. Students would upload their verified academic results, such as GPAs or exam scores, onto the blockchain using secure methods like TLS Notary. Those who maintain grades above a specified threshold would receive regular cryptocurrency payments (e.g., $25 every two weeks). This creates a direct financial incentive for academic performance.

By tying financial rewards to academic success, this program could motivate students to perform better in school, while also providing much-needed financial assistance. The system empowers students from underserved communities to focus on their education without the constant stress of financial burdens, creating a path to break the cycle of poverty through academic achievement. Additionally, blockchain verification ensures transparency and trust in the process, making it an equitable and merit-based system.


These are just a few of my favorite ideas. I’ll be honest: it’s unlikely that each of these concepts can be fully implemented during the course of the buildathon. However, I’m eager to see Proof of Concepts that align with these themes. I’m also committed to supporting builders interested in exploring these ideas further through a combination of grants, equity investment, and mentorship.

Stay based and see you onchain!


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