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voting for Evolvify Metaverse @metaschool r2w3 cohort 2 started<3

seeing the things there are cool

hi, lovelies,

from the last mails, we knew that I've submitted the road2web3 cohort 2 project. After a while, the voting for the projects started!

while there are many rules being set, I'll attach it here. If you can't vote, sadly, *hug, we'll just see what's there and what would come out together~ Thanks with love no matter what.

▼from metaschool's discord


It’s Showtime! Vote Now in the Road to Web3 - Cohort 2 Showcase!

Hey Metaschool Family! The spotlight’s on, and our [Build and Showcase page]( is buzzing with the coolest projects from Cohort 2. It’s your turn to explore, get inspired, and vote for the projects that blow your mind!

Quick Run-Down:

Spotlight’s Yours: Your projects are live for the world to see. Let’s make them famous!

Votes = Money: Each vote brings projects closer to a slice of the $5000 grant. Let's make it rain for our devs!

How to Vote: Make sure you’re a logged-in Metaschool member with at least one course under your belt (Metamask excluded). Spread the word, and get everyone you know to join the voting party!

Quadratic Voting Magic: It’s not just any vote; it's strategic. Spread your votes or go all-in on your fav project. The choice is yours! "

Limited Time: Voting is open from February 27, 8 PM IST to February 29 8 PM IST, 2024. Rally your supporters and make every second count!

Fair Play: Only those who joined us 3-7 days before voting can participate, ensuring all votes are legit.

A Special Nudge to Our Genius Developers:

This is your moment! Time to hype up your project like it’s the next big thing (because it probably is). Grab attention on social media, chat up your project in Discord channels, and don't be shy to showcase what makes your work stand out.

Let’s Keep It Fun & Straightforward:

Jump in, vote, and let’s celebrate the creativity and hard work of our community. Share your favorites, encourage your friends, and let’s make this voting period one for the history books.

Here’s to lighting up our projects with votes and turning the showcase into a grand festival of tech and innovation. Let the voting begin!

Happy voting, everyone! Let’s make it loud, proud, and fun!

the voting page:

Build & Showcase Page: Evolvify Metaverse

Git Repo:


Brand kit of Evolvify Metaverse project:

Brand kit of team:


the metaverse where we explore resources when starting out to create blockchain games with humanistic missions.


Evolvify Metaverse



Present your project in a 2-3 minute video (host on Loom/YouTube).



【What it does】

️ Unbiased sharing, solutions & comparisons for blockchain game and XR project creation.

Fosters a supportive community for creators of all levels with updated resources.

Co-create 3D assets, interactive XR experiences and co-host events with humanistic missions and safety, particularly for younger users (51% metaverse users are currently <13).

【Key features】

Blockchain Integration: Integrates blockchain technology for secure exploration, metaverse asset NFT ownership and trustable community stewardship.

User-Friendly Interaction: Prioritize effective communication and expression for all creators.

XR Experiences: Engage with immersive XR experiences while understanding associated risks.

Evolvify Metaverse embraces creators with love and support on their journey of creation.

Tech Stack:

Unity Hub 3.5.0, Unity Editor 2022.2.1f1 and thirdweb Unity SDK.

JavaScript 80.8%, C# 18.6%, ShaderLab 0.5%, HLSL 0.1%, C (a bit), Objective-C++ (a bit)

Skybox asset.

Team Names:

Top Love Tech:

Cliona Chee P. K. (solo, would expand team soon)

Paragraph (Web 3 Articles of the progress):

reply questions asked during code camps & workshops of metaschool r2w3 c2:

completing my project + lessons + explorations:


'so, we're in the flow with love naturally.'

with love,


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