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Last Week Onchain: March 4 - 15

Issue #2. A collection of onchain things worthy of your attention.



Happy transaction frames and Blob week to all who celebrate ↑

Last week I wrote No-code Frames 101 guide. Remember, you don't have to code to build and positively contribute. This week we're back to onchain gems. The recommendations in every Last Week Onchain will vary: in Issue #1, it was mints, subscriptions, articles, and fun frames; in this Issue #2 - transaction frames, a short film, nft collections, audio content, apps and an interesting launch.

Transaction frames

Swap in a frame by @greg
Swap ETH for ERC20 tokens - https://frames.fcstr.xyz/swap

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Created by /yellow in the iconic Base blue, shipped worldwide. Powered by @slice.

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Personal 0.02 cents on the importance of reputation for frames:

Frames need to be fully displayed in quoted casts. Since tx frames I’m more careful with my clicks. Reputation of the frame’s creator is a big factor for my decision to interact with it. Right now people just cast frames via links with no mention of the original creators.

Onchain Gems


The Delivery at Dawn
A beautiful short film to celebrate EIP-4844 and core dev stewardship; lots of hidden references & the soundtrack made me emotional.


HIGHER by @lght.eth
Guilty, higher is my new favourite meme and mental model; I can't stop minting these arrows.

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The Crypto Mall by @BoldLeonidas
Their second ever open edition (0.01 eth on base).



Doing Numbers by @woj.eth, @six and @martin
In episode 3:
- hypersub growth and farcaster influencer economy
- impact of influencers on crypto markets
- more frame transactions talk
- drain wallet for an airdrop idea


Becky v2 by @thepark ⌐Ⓗ-Ⓕ
This is one of the winners in the Music category of We ❤️ The Art! contest by Optimism.



Unlonely.app (/unlonely)
Stream onchain with good $VIBES. Caught Dan the other day for a 10 min silent stream there, Brian's streams are always fun.

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Sound.xyz (/soundxyz)
Onchain music. Great place to discover and support young artists.

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Gallery.co (/gallery)
A clean, aesthetics-driven, non-speculative way to showcase your work or digital art collection. 1-click integration with frames on Warpcast.

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Keep an Eye On

Faust - a reality oracle computer (ROC) that notarizes reality, onchain.

What would it look like if Ethereum could reach out to reality?
What if it could see?
What if it could hear?
What if it could notarize our reality, onchain - at the press of a button?
A HW / OS built from the bottom up to support sensors (camera, audio, etc), cryptography: (able to do sensor attestations, is a HW wallet) and a GPU that can run local AI / ML models. Plus an API that allows for devs to build apps on top of it. - @july

Full announcement

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That's it. Let's build and aim higher ↑ ↑ ↑


You will get to know me better over time, and I would like to get to know you too! My direct casts on Warpcast (@kugusha.eth) are always open for conversations and discussions. You can also send me a message onchain via Converse or any other XMTP-powered app.

Collect this post as an NFT.


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Over 400 subscribers

kugusha 🦋Farcaster
kugusha 🦋
Commented 1 year ago

A collection of onchain things (most of them are Farcaster-related) worthy of your attention ↑ In Issue #2: - transaction frames - open editions - onchain audio - projects to keep an eye on https://paragraph.xyz/@kugusha.eth/last-week-onchain-2

agoston nagyFarcaster
agoston nagy
Commented 1 year ago

looooks great! subscribed

Commented 1 year ago

You are my first paragraph-in-feed-mint

kugusha 🦋Farcaster
kugusha 🦋
Commented 1 year ago

Oh wow! @colin shipped 🫡

Commented 1 year ago

Yes they did. the experience of reading blogs on-feed on mobile isn't the best, especially for those who write longer paragraphs. But the combinatin of short paragraphs + pic works well

Commented 1 year ago

420 $DEGEN

Commented 1 year ago

Explore @kugusha.eth's roundup of onchain gems: transaction frames, NFT collections, audio content, apps, and a new launch. Tips on 'No-code Frames 101' for contributors and insights on frame reputation included. Let's aim higher!

Last Week Onchain: March 4 - 15