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For Those Who Embark Upon The Journey (2019)

A reflection from January 5th, 2019

I have an unquenchable desire for learning about the intricacies of life, coupled with a calling to serve through creative expression.

From methodology to music, blockchains to business, design to duality, tech & spirituality. An eagerness to test the waters of life — to experience all the good & well enough of the bad.

It has indeed been my double-edged sword, one that I have successfully guided towards my passions. Every day that I step forward, I discover even more clarity & purpose.

Allow my experiences to paint a picture, in hopes that it inspires you to recapture life & embrace the journey.

My tale is one that will resonate with the disenchanted — the peculiar ones who know how marvelous life really is, yet from time to time struggle to see it all with enthusiasm.

It's for the ones tired of being jaded & desensitized by the news & media outlets, preferring the path of open communication, decentralization, vulnerability & love.

It's a story of overcoming for the over-thinkers who inadvertently let life pass them by, now writing their principles & stepping into a life of deliberate action.

It's for the seekers of enlightenment realizing that their search is also about the journey, now willing to pace themselves on their path. Those who respond with empathy despite the difference in lifestyle, while still being rambunctious in their compassionate personality.

It's for the business owners who finally recognize their calling and commit themselves to serve others in a way that only they can.

So too, shall it resonate with the estranged artists who seek to reconnect with the world. I've sipped tea in isolation well enough times to empathize. This is a story of our arrival, yet again...

27 years* I’ve been alive & I promise life truly is what you make it.

Of course things are out of control; life is a chaotic & calculated orchestra. It will take you under if you relinquish the one thing you do have control over — your awareness.

How you choose to engage with the life you perceive will always & forever be a choice, no matter how your mind clings to the turbulent thoughts & the strong emotions attached.

I have ventured quite far down the rabbit hole. I still don't know how deep it goes... and I’m grateful to be grateful for all my highs & lows.

When I find myself in storms adrift, I surf the waves or meditate to save my only ship — and by surfing the waves, I mean accepting & enduring so that I can reclaim my direction once the turbulence subsides. It’s important to know what being centered feels like, as it’s the only way you’ll know how to find your way back.

In my song, "Self-Centered", I talk about filling one's own cup before they can take on the responsibility of aiding anyone else. This may seem harsh, but the reality of it is that indeed, you will be giving someone less than your best & potentially aiding them begrudgingly because you've yet to find balance for yourself. Fill your cup first... but know what it means & how it feels to be filled.

As you may discover as my story unfolds, I write self-awareness & reflection in bold.

An epic like no other set to change the world. One I hope you will play a part in... should you choose to engage. Let’s talk & change the new day!

It starts here: How do you cultivate self-awareness?

P.S. — Having just started my journey with blogging & the like, I will find my pace & figure out a rhythm that works well for me, so that I can keep you all informed of when I plan to release a new post. In the meantime, I appreciate your patience & support. Any encouragement, recommendations, or questions, please feel free to reach out.

*Naturally, my age has changed since 2019.

Reflecting on this post, now at age 32, I find it to be quite cathartic. I am still emboldened by the message I sought to relay.

While there are nuances that may have changed, I largely feel the same. It felt right to share where my writing journey started for my first official publication on Paragraph. More to come, as I will next express what you can expect, from yours truly.

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All the best,
Mr. Wildenfree 🐺🍵🎵

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