Core competency determines a manufacturer's unique abilities to create consumer value. Leadership is based on the ability to do something that others...
If you eliminate non-value-adding operations, the customer only benefits. Activity-based costing allows combining several procedures involved in crea...
What do we know best? High-quality knowledge analysis requires practice and regularity. To begin with, you need to know which sector the business bel...
A progressive illness needs immediate treatment. Decisive action is required. Several company presidents can be named who successfully managed to cha...
Theoretical foundations of business need to be thoroughly analyzed and tested in practice. Everyone in the organization should know and understand th...
The assumptions on which the theoretical basis of your business is built must be consistent with each other. Assumptions about the external environme...
Our perceptions of the external environment, mission, and key competencies must align with reality. Our perceptions of the external environment, miss...
A truly successful entrepreneur is guided not by intuition but by a simple, understandable, and elegant theory of the foundations of their business. ...
The philosophy underpinning employee evaluation is closely tied to their capabilities. Effective managers typically develop their own evaluation form...
Non-profit organizations need management even more than commercial companies. In Florida, in the early 1990s, individuals sentenced to their first pr...