Higher together. While many scenes focus on specific niches or memes, Higher has transcended typical token boundaries to become a decentralized brand built on universal human aspiration.
Put on your towel, it’s time to go to the park! The gamified $MILO scene is more than just a place for puppy-loving, towel-wearing, scenecoin degens.
It goes up and down…and up! The volatility of crypto brings delight to the hearts of all $YOYO scenecoin holders, no matter the price direction.
It’s always darkest before it turns pitch black. The $GLOOM Scenecoin is all about feeling down, complaining, and (as you’d assume) unfiltered gloom.
The “personal-ecosystem-token” meta has arrived. The Haberdashery (Degen DAO) founder @purp has self-launched his token, $PURP.
Unlike the flashing lights of memecoin Twitter or the noisy mess of telegram or discord, Farcaster's unique design has led to the rise of a new type of memecoin - Scenecoins
LeBleuElefant ($BLEU) — a token representing a blue elephant doing… that — is the latest Scenecoin making waves on Farcaster