The WEF Wants to Put a CBDC Microchip Under Your Skin
The World Economic Forum wants to control you through a central bank digital currency implanted under your skin. Besides being a ridiculous idea, it is a dangerous concept.
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Web3 Social Earnings, May 2023
The SEC Wants to Quash the Advance of Crypto
Why Web3 Is the Future of the Internet
Wanted: Book Launch Team Members
XRP Is Not a Security, Except That It IS
Author Allen Taylor and Crux Publications presents Tiffany Triumph and the Vagabond Band of Misfits. Garden Gnome Publications seeks honest reviews of the Biblical Legends Anthology Series.
New Oxford, Pennsylvania, called the Antiques Capital of Central Pennsylvania, is a quaint little town with history, culture, and charm.
Now that I've had a month-long break, I've decided to tweak my content creation efforts slightly going forward. Here's what to expect.
Is Web3 writing any different from Web2 writing or any other type of writing? The answer may surprise you.
Why does Proverbs 13:12 mention the tree of life? What does it mean? What is the tree of life? Is it for now, or for the future?
This week, Ordinals are accused of making Bitcoin worse than Ethereum. Plus, I explore Mirror NFTs through Greg Younger's 30-Day Mirror challenge.
As you know, I’ve been playing around with Web3 tools for writing and I’ve discovered some really cool writers in the process. Today, I’ll share some of those writers I’ve followed and you can choose for yourself whether they have value for you. I’ll also point you to some really good Web3 reads ...
Author Allen Taylor
The news and views of author Allen Taylor featuring insights on travel, Web3, Christianity, and speculative fiction.